𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕕𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 (crush)

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c/m/n = crush's mom's name

c/d/n = crush's dad's name

c/b/n = crush's brother's name

y/m/n = your mom's name

y/m/n = your dad's name

y/b/n = your brother's name


the slow beeping of your alarm woke you up with a start. you sat in bed for a minute before the thought hit you.

today was the day! you were finally going to meet your long-distance friend (and crush) C/N after  6 years!

the two of you had been talking since you were 9 but had never actually met in person before. you were introduced to each other through your moms, who worked together. you lived on the east coast while C/N lived on the west coast, so it was kinda hard to plan facetimes etc due to the 3 hour time difference. you'd made plans to meet before but because of various circumstances they'd always fallen through. but today it was finally happening, C/N and his family were flying out to meet you and your family. 

you ran to the bathroom to start getting ready. after curling your hair, putting on extra makeup, and brushing your teeth, you put on the cute outfit you'd picked out for the occasion the night before: a pink t-shirt and floral skirt. you threw on your favorite necklace, a bracelet C/N had made for you when you both were 11, and some little hoop earrings. then you ran downstairs.

"good morning honey!" your mom called. "excited for today?"

"never been more excited, mom!" you smiled. 

"oh i'm so glad" she smiled back

at that point it was 8:15. you guys were going to leave for the airport at 2:30. the next few hours dragged by. you did just about every boredom-buster you could think of: watched tiktoks, took buzzfeed quizzes, watched random videos on youtube (mostly the sturniolo triplets' car videos), called your best friend, and went for a walk. at last 2:30 arrived. you grabbed your phone, water bottle, airpods and the present you'd picked out for C/N (a new limited edition hat from his favorite basketball team) and ran downstairs to get in the car. you were the first one ready so you had to wait about 15 minutes for everyone else. then you finally left.

the drive to the airport took about 45 minutes because of traffic but due to the excitement it seemed like 3 hours. you spent the whole time tracking C/N's flight on your phone. your little brother, who was sitting next to you, leaned over to see what you were doing and noticed. he'd known you'd liked C/N from just about day one (when you were 12) and he liked to tease you relentlessly about it.

"I know it's funny to you but please, please don't tell C/N i like him ok Y/B/N? it would be really awkward if you did" 

"yeah, please Y/B/N, have some compassion for your sister ok" said your mom, turning around from the front seat.

"ok fine," Y/B/N groaned.

"thank you" you smiled.

before long you finally arrived at the pick-up section of the airport. your dad parked and your mom texted C/M/N that you guys had arrived, she texted back a minute later that they were at the baggage claim and would be out shortly.

"let's all get out of the car so we can greet them properly," your mom said.

everyone hopped out of the car. you noticed your leg was shaking up and down and your cheeks were getting hot... you were getting really nervous. this was it. 

a moment later C/N's family emerged from the doors. it was like slow motion as he glided over to you with a huge grin on his face. he immediately wrapped you up in a hug and it felt like a million little butterflies had just been released from your heart. 

you got lost in the hug and before long he was gently nudging you. "ok maybe we should pull away now" he laughed. "yeah sorry" you laughed back. "it's fine" he smiled. then you were pulled into another hug by his mom. "hi sweetie it's so good to finally meet you!" she beamed.

a few minutes later you all got in the car together. your family had a minivan so luckily everyone could fit. you and C/N sat together with your brothers (who were also friends because they were the same age). then you handed C/N his present. 

"oh my gosh i love it! thank you!" he smiled. "here i have something for you too."

"really?" you smiled.

"yeah" he handed you a pretty little bag. you took it and pulled out a beautiful locket necklace with a rose engraved on it. he'd known for years that roses were your favorite flower. "oh my gosh you remembered!" you beamed as you felt your face get hot again. he smiled back so big he looked like the cheshire cat. this was so real... it felt too good to be true but you knew it wasn't.

*two days later*

you'd spent the past two days showing C/N and his family all of your favorite spots in town. right now you were at the beach taking a walk with him on the boardwalk above the beach. Y/B/N and C/B/N were running in the ocean and your parents were walking in the sand near the boys.

"this is magical isn't it Y/N," C/N smiled as he looked deep into your eyes.

"it sure is," you smiled back.

"there's just one thing that could make it even more memorable."

"and what's that?"

before you could even process what was happening, he pulled you in and kissed you. you blushed and kissed him back. you stood there for about two minutes before you finally pulled away.

"wait... you like me?"

"yeah" he blushed and looked away.

"oh my god me too... since we were 12..."

"you're kidding me."

"nope :)"

he smiled even bigger than before and kissed you again.

he was right. this was the most magical night of your life :)



tysm for reading! this may or may not be slightly inspired by my long-distance friend and me hahah (except the ending part lol nothing that exciting ever happened to me) let me know what i should do next! :)


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