𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕕𝕠𝕞 𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕥𝕙 (boyfriend)

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bf/m/n = boyfriend's mom's name

bf/s/n = boyfriend's sister's name

bf/l/n = boyfriend's last name 


*TW: anesthesia, doctors, needles*


today your boyfriend BF/N was getting all four of his wisdom teeth out. he was super nervous as he'd never had to go under before, and you were nervous for him. your mom and his parents had allowed you to go with him to the appointment to help him feel better. 

you two were sitting on his bed watching tiktoks when his mom walked in. "hey you two, it's time to get in the car ok?" you hopped up and grabbed your things but he didn't move. "aw come on, i know you're nervous but you wanna get this over with right? and besides i'll be with you ok?"

"fine" he groaned as he slowly got up and trudged out of his room. you went and got in the car. a few minutes later his mom and sister joined you and off you guys went. it was a pretty quiet car ride because of BF/N's anxiety. 

the dentist was pretty busy that day so you all were sitting in the waiting room for about 20 minutes. he was on his phone and his leg was shaking like crazy. you put your hand on his knee and leaned into his chest. 

"hey, it's gonna be ok," you said with a smile.

"i know. but like... what if they mess up? what if something happens with the anesthesia?"

"baby it's gonna be fine. they've done this procedure millions of times and it almost always goes just fine. relax!"

"ALMOST always goes fine," he muttered.

"well nothing has a 100% success rate. but just think about happy things if you're nervous. like cute puppies or ice cream."

"or you." he smiled. you smiled back.

just then the nurse walked in. she looked up from her clipboard and called for BF/N. you nudged him but he didn't move. "come on, you have to go," you said.

"sorry, he's just really nervous," his mom told the nurse.

"oh it's ok, this happens more often than you'd think" she smiled. his mom looked relieved.

you held his hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek. he finally stood up, grabbing your hand and pulling you up with him. he wrapped you in a big hug and kissed you.

you were about to turn to leave when his mom stopped you and said "oh honey, the dentist told me we could sit in the room with him to comfort him while they put him under... i mean, you don't have to stay, but BF/N sure would appreciate it."  

"oh sure! of course i'm staying. i just assumed they would make us leave," you laughed.

"okay, everyone follow me," said the nurse. you, BF/N, BF/M/N and BF/S/N followed her down the hallway and into a doorway on the right. she had BF/N sit down in the chair and reclined it. you squeezed his hand and stroked his hair while she got all the equipment ready.

BF/N looked as nervous as ever.

"aw baby, it's gonna be okay," you smiled sympathetically.

the nurse came back and said "ok, i think we're ready to start if that's ok." BF/N nodded reluctantly. she put his iv in and chatted with him for a few minutes. then she started adding the actual anesthesia. he got quiet and before long his eyes started to droop. 

about a minute later, he was out cold. "dang that stuff works fast," you laughed. 

you and his mom kissed his forehead. you squeezed his hand one last time. "i love you, see you soon..."

then you all went back to the car. 


since they had to remove all 4 wisdom teeth the surgery took about an hour and a half. BF/M/N took you and BF/S/N to starbucks and target to pass the time. you were just checking out at target when BF/M/N got a call from the dentist.

"hello?" she said. you could tell she was a bit nervous because she didn't know exactly why they were calling. she put her phone on speaker. 

"hello mrs. BF/L/N, this is the dentist's office. we're just wrapping up with BF/N, the procedure went just fine. are you about ready to pick him up?"

"oh that's great! yes we'll be right over. thanks again!"

she hung up. "yay, he's ok!"

"yay!" you and BF/S/N replied.

once you loaded up the car with all the target bags, you headed back to the dentist's office. BF/S/N sat shotgun so you could sit in the back with BF/N. 

when you arrived BF/M/N parked, then called to say that you were there. pretty soon out came the nurse wheeling BF/n to the car. his mouth was stuffed with gauze and he looked completely out of it. you covered your mouth to hide a laugh, meanwhile BF/S/N was full-on cackling.

you crawled over to open the car door for the nurse. she struggled to lift BF/N in the car, he was not only a big strong athlete but also super stubborn and he kept insisting that he wanted to stay in the wheelchair. finally, between the nurse pushing him into the car and you pulling him towards you, you got him in the backseat. you buckled him in as the nurse handed BF/M/N a packet of aftercare instructions.

"thanks again," said BF/M/N

"no problem! have fun" the nurse laughed.

"oh we definitely will"

bf/n started groaning. "hi baby!" you laughed. "how do you feel?"

"they took all my teeth! i don't have anymore teeth!" he whined. "and they took my tongue too!"

"no they're still there, they'll just be numb for a while ok?" you laughed.

a single teardrop fell from his eye. "noooo" he wailed.

"it's ok, don't worry" 

he turned towards you. "kiss me"

"i can't, you need to keep your gauze in..."

"fine" he pouted. you kissed him on the cheek instead and he smiled. "that's better"



thanks for reading! <3

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