𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕡 (crush)

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y/bsf/n = your best friend's name

c/bsf/n = crush's best friend's name

y/t/n = your teacher's name



it was the first day of your school's winter break. you were at the airport with a good portion of your class, you all were going on a weeklong trip to new york that would end just two days before christmas. you were all at the gate waiting to board the flight. you were sitting with a few of your close friends and your best friend, and C/N was sitting with his best friend in the row across from you. 

C/N was wearing a hoodie, nike sweats and his favorite baseball team's hat. he was looking at his phone and had his necklace in his mouth. you tried to distract yourself by thinking about the trip but that barely worked because you just couldn't get over how particularly cute he looked like that

your best friend seemed to notice, she turned to one of your friends. "let's play a game called 'guess what Y/N is thinking about'"!

"ooh i wanna go first!" replied F/N. "hmm, i guess..."

based on B/F/N's long history of teasing you, you knew what word was going to come out of her mouth before she even got the chance to say it. so before "'C'N'" could escape her lips, you shoved your hand over her mouth.

"so i was correct!" she laughed.

"what? no!" you looked away trying to hide your embarrassment but it was too late now. B/F/N and C/N giggled to themselves.

luckily your blushing went away after a minute or so. you were scrolling mindlessly through your phone while taking breaks to subtly glance at C/N... or so you thought. on one of these he met your gaze. you felt your face get hot again.

"oh hey Y/N", he smiled. "excited for the trip?"

"yeah", you laughed.


the trip was amazing. you saw lots of beautiful sights throughout the week: the statue of liberty, the empire state building, central park, the met and more. then the day before you all went home the class went ice skating at rockefeller center. you had never gone ice skating before so you were wobbling around as your friends laughed. suddenly c/n skated over and put his hand on your back to steady your movement.

"um, thanks" you laughed.

"not a problem" he replied with a smile.  

"so how are you you liking new york?"

"oh i love it here. there's something so exciting about a big city in the wintertime. everyone just seems so joyful." 

"i know right?" you laughed. then you added with a subconscious dreamy look "winter in new york is just so romantic" 

"ahh so you're the romantic type hmm?" he teased. you blushed and looked away, hoping he would think your cheeks were just red because of the cold. "well what teenage girl doesn't like rom-coms?" you replied.

he laughed.

"you know" you continued. "there's this really cute movie called when harry met sally that took place right over in times square at new year's. and here we are in new york just a few weeks before new year's"

"well your name isn't sally and mine isn't harry so..."

"no no i didn't mean it like that! i was just laughing at the similarities..."

"i wouldn't mind if you had meant it like that" he smirked, leaning in closer. your cheeks got even redder

"uh..." you giggled nervously.

"look Y/N, i think we both know how we feel about each other. what have i got to lose?" before you could process what was happening he cupped your face with his gloved hand and kissed you. you gasped a little before kissing him back.

"merry early christmas Y/N" he smiled.

"merry early christmas C/N" you beamed back.


thanks for reading! <3

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