𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕙 𝕔𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕤 (crush)

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y/f/n = your friend's name

c/f/n = crush's friend's name

f/s/n = favorite singer's name


it was the first day back at school after winter break. you walked into your math class to discover that your teacher had created a new seating chart. you got to sit with one of your good friends, but you were also stuck with... C/N and his friend?

you see, C/N and you had barely talked before so he was more of a hallway crush than an actual crush... you barely knew anything about him, but you thought he was cute. the previous semester, he'd sat all the way in the back corner while you sat on the other side of the room, more towards the front. now you both were at the front center desk. "just great" you thought to yourself.

you tried not to think anything of it, instead focusing on the lesson. but as the weeks went on C/N got more and more chatty. it started out as group conversations between you, F/N, C/N and C/F/N, because F/N was friends with C/N and C/F/N too so she'd include all three of you in conversations with her. but eventually C/N started talking to just you as well. it started out as random questions about the lesson... but as the days went on, it started to seem like he was paying attention to little details about you and mentioning them. 

one particular day you noticed him staring at your computer, which was decorated with stickers of your favorite singer, F/S/N. he looked up at you and said "oh, so you like F/S/N, huh?"

"yeah i do, what do you think of her?" you replied.

"oh yeah she's cool"

"what's your favorite song by her?"

"um..." he thought for a minute. "oh, i, uh, like... *song*."

"oh yeah, that one's good," you laughed.

the class period after that, he spent the work time after the lecture doing homework for science. you guys had to watch a video and answer questions about it... but instead, he was drawing a picture of the guy in the video in his paper. you, meanwhile, were on your phone because you'd already finished all your homework.

suddenly he tapped you on the shoulder. "hey Y/N."

you looked up at him. "yes?"

he had the biggest stupid grin on his face. he held up his drawing and pointed to the guy in the video. "does my drawing look like this guy?" 

"uh... yeah," you laughed. then you went back to your phone. 

you didn't think much of it until that night, when you had a dream that he was going around telling people he liked you. when you woke up, you started thinking about all the strange ways he'd been acting lately and you slowly started to put 2 and 2 together. 

sure enough, the next day at school he was acting even more flirty than you'd noticed before. when you walked into school you saw him and a group of his friends from his sports team all watching you, him in the middle with a big smile on his face. later during passing period, he went in the opposite direction of his class just so he could brush past you. and later in math class, you arrived to find him in his chair, which looked like it was pushed even closer to you than usual... or maybe you were just overthinking things. 

he and F/N started bantering like usual... but then she randomly looked up, gave you a side-glance, and said with a smirk, "i've got dirt on C/N." he looked away embarrassed. "huh?" you thought to yourself. 

halfway through class he left to use the bathroom. F/N was playing a match test game called flame, testing her name with random boys.

*author's note: if you didn't know, "flame" is a game where you write your name and someone else's name, then cross out all the letters you both have in your names. then you count the remaining letters and write out "flame". you count through the letters of the word until you stop on the number of remaining letters, and that determines your relationship with person. if you land on "f" it means you're friends, "l" is lovers, "a" is acquaintances, "m" is married and "e" is enemies.*

"hmm," she said turning to you, "let's do you with someone." 

you smiled imagining your celebrity crush, "ooh how about-" but she interrupted and shook her head. "sorry! i have someone else in mind to test you with." 

to your shock, she wrote out you and C/N's full names. she counted out the letters and went through the word "flame" until she landed on... m. married. she smirked and said, "ooooh!"

you tried to hide your true feelings about the outcome. "haha... no, ew!" but the way she looked at you made it seem like she knew exactly what was going on.

"why'd you say 'ooh'?" you asked her quietly. "it's not like he likes me or anything!" you added with a nervous laugh.

"well, about that... he told me not to tell you, but he-"

suddenly the door flung open and in walked C/N. you both looked up at him with big eyes as F/N rushed to erase the "flame" results. "hey guys! what's going on?"

"uh... nothing" you and F/N replied, exchanging glances. well, i guess you knew exactly how C/N felt about you now...



tysm for reading! let me know if you have any requests for future parts <3

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