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"Your Majesty, brekfeast is served'' The maid said outside the room. Hyunjin was really hungry after his morning exersice so he was more then pleased. When he arrived at the dinnig room both the king and his brother were already there. "Good morning Hyun'' Jisung said to his brother. "Morning Jisung, morning dad'' He said also to his father. ,,Good morning Hyunjin. How was your days so far, boys?'' The king asked with smile on his face. ,,I woke up like 15 minutes ago so good i think'' Jisung replied with a giggle. He is the complete opposite of his brother.

He has smile on his face 24/7 and is nice to everyone. he care about everyone and doesn't like the 'majesty thing'. He noticed the fact that his brother changed after the queens death but he know that Hyunjin is not that type of person who would cry with you if you told him -let it all out-. So he doesn't try to somehow change him. For now...

,,You, Hyunjin?'' Christopher ask his other son. ,,Good'' Hyunjin replies coldly not really caring. It's not that he doesn't care about his family, he cares a lot. He would kill if anybody do something to his younger brother or the King. He just changed. ,,Did you run again?'' His father ask with hope to get some normal conversation. ,,Yes. Is Lisa done-'' Hyunjin was cut off by one of the maid placing a plate infront of him.
,,Here, your Majesty. Enjoy your food'' She said and smiled at the prince. He didn't say anything and just started eating his food. ,,Thanks it looks amazing!'' He heard his brother nearly yelling. He has a point tho.

-after brekfeast-

Jisung was in his room lying on his bed and getting really bored. Hyunjin is at the gym and Jisung is definitely not going to join him. And if he disturbed him he would be dead. Jisung has this feeling that his brother doesn't care about him. He know he changed but why that much? He himself get threw it pretty well and he is not hurting anyone's feelings. So why can't Hyunjin just love him like he did before?

He got up from his bed and grabbed his phone. He need someone to play with him. And the someone is.....''Felix!" Jisung yelled when he remember his new friend. He is really sweet and cute. They met when Jisung was helping Lisa to buy  ingredients for his favorite cheesecake. Felix was helping organized some things in the store when he droped some apples on the floor. Jisung then decided to help the boy and that is How the two met. Niki doesn't care if he is from lower class then he is. He knew that Felix is a good person and that is all what matters.

                       On the phone

,Hey Lix,

,Oh hi Sung. What's wrong?,

,Nothing, I've just wanted to ask you if you wana come over?',

,Like to the castle?! Are you crazy?,

,,Yeah i live here, bro. And i think I'm not,

,Well you think wrong,

,,C'mon Felix please, I'm bored to death,

,Allright, allright I'll come but your dad needs to be okay with it,

,,Yay! I'm sure he is. See ya!,

,See ya!,

                        Call ended


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