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,Hi dad. I just wanted to ask you if my friend can come in? Please?' Jisung ask his father while Felix was akwardly standing next to him. ,Good morning my Majesty' Felix said and bow infront of the king. ,Sure he can Jisung. Just don't break anything' He said with a small, friendly giggle. ,Thanks dad' The boy said and leave with Felix to his room.

,Wow your room is huge!' The freckled boy said while looking around. ,You haven't seen my brothers. It's like twice as big' Jisung said and laughed and the boy.

Meanwhile the older prince just finished his last set with heavy breathing. He did some extra exersices today, becouse why not? He then walk out of the gym just to be stopped by his father. ,,Hyunjin, why didn't you thanked the maid for the food?' The king sadly asked his son. He just still didn't know why? Why Hyunjin suddently changed after the queens death. Ofcourse he himsefl had a hard time to accept the situation, but he did not expected that his oldest son is going to change to some cold person. He knew that Hyunjin was like his wife. Caring, loving and bright he inherited these good qualities from his mother, but he can't see this side of his child anymore.

,I was tired, sorry dad' He replied with no expression. ,Exuse me please, I need to shower' Hyunjin said and walk to his room leaving his father with sad smile on his face. Hyunjin know that everybody sees him like the boy who always get what he wants. But to be honest they are scared of him and amazed by his looks at the same time. And Hyunjin also knew that. Sometimes boys and girls are asking him out on a date. Funny, right? They are asking prince out on a date. But like I said just sometimes. They are scared that he would kill them. And they a point.

Hyunjin just never get his brother. He is greeting everyone- even the commoners! He just didn't get that.

After his shower, he changed into some shorts and hoodie. It was hot outside today so shorts was the best option. He lied down on his bed and turn on the television. He decided that he is going to watch some movie and rest. He turn on Netflix and looked at the ,top 10, section. ,Love in the air?'  Hyunjin clicked on it and without knowing what it is about, he decided to watch it. But just  when he was about to click on play someone knocked on his room.

,Come in!' Hyunjin said and the door opened, revealing his brother with some boy behind him. He looked like a commoner tho. ,Hyun I just wanted you to meet Felix. He is my friend'
Jisung said, revealing the boy behind him. ,Hello, your Majesty' The freckled boy said and bow infront of the older prince. ,Jisung, does dad know that there is a commoner inside the castle?' Hyunjin asked his brother, completly ignoring the dirty boy next to him. But he needs to admit, the boy was kinda cute. ,Hyunjin, Yes he does and he is okay with it. Be at least a little bit nicer?' Jisung said to Hyunjin with anger in his head. Why his brother, just one time! be nice to someone, at least a littlebit!

,Do you know what my name is?' Hyunjin asked Felix who shakes his head ,Yes, ,Well, you see he already knows my name, you can go now' The prince said to his brother and turned his head back to the screen. ,Ehm... I-It's a g-good serial what you are about to watch. I-I'm in the 10th e-episode. Jisung we should propably go now. It w-was honor to meet you, my Majesty'
Felix said with lot of stuttering. He didn't expect the prince to watch this kind of thing but..why not?  ,Hyunjin you-' Jisung was interrupted in his angry sentence for his brother by Felix, who pulled him out of the room and closed the door. Then he draged him to Jisungs room. ,Hey! What was that? He deserves it!' Jisung said a little louder. ,Sung lets forget about it and talk, okay?' Felix said smiling at him. ,But-' He was cut of again. ,Jisung, I think we disturbed him. He was about to watch a movie. Now. Calm down and lets chat' Felix smiled at him again and pat his back. ,You are too kind, Lix'


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