Chapter 14

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Red Hood had taken out most of the guards by the time Crow and Nightwing showed up. He gave the signal for all clear and they quickly joined him where he was now standing in the shadows of an alley.

            "Ras has Damian and is taking him to the pillars holding up the train tracks nearby. I got most of his men but three with bombs got away and it looked like a forth bomb was strapped to Damian." He informed them. "I couldn't see the timers on them but I doubt they'll be set for long after Ras hits the start."

            "We need to split up and take out the bombers." Nightwing spoke up as he looked around at the possible directions they could have taken. "You two can take care of them, I'll get Ras."

            "Why do you get to take out Ras?" Red Hood scowled under his mask. "It was his plan that killed me."

            Crow could see where this was going and sighed before getting between the bickering males. "Nightwing has the most experience, let him get Ras, if we have time we'll come back and help."

            "No." A deep voice growled and a familiar black-cloaked vigilante jumped down to join them from a few yards off. "I will deal with Ras al Ghul. You three get the bombers."

            "Who says you won't ship us off to Arkham after this?" Crow challenged, knowing fully well that her father may very well do that considering they had killed people.

            "He won't." Nightwing replied for Batman, who nodded in agreement before leaving. "Not tonight anyway."

            "I'll take the one going to the center of the city." Red announced. "Nightwing, you can have the guy going downtown... Crow, you get the guy in the Narrows."

            "Meet at the pillar where Batman is, if someone isn't back by the time dawn is breaking... we'll come looking for you." Crow replied before racing off, starting to wish she hadn't left her motorcycle behind.

            She managed to reach the bridge to the Narrows as the man with the bomb was finishing crossing it and continued to run, if the ninja hadn't been carrying that bomb she wasn't sure she would've been able to catch up to him this much yet, or at all to be honest. When Crow finally finished catching up to the League of Shadows member they were putting away a sword that was covered in the blood of the victims on the ground around him, she inched forward cautiously to prevent alerting the man as he put the bomb in place. Once they seemed completely into their work she took out her dagger, the special one given to her by Ras, before running out of the shadows and aiming to stab the man through the back. What Crow didn't expect was for the ninja to spin around and kick her into a wall.

            "You are a foolish person." The man sneered as he took out his sword. "To fight a member of the League of Shadows."

            "Yeah well, I've been trained by them to, better than you have." Crow spat back as she stood up and looked for a new opening to attack.

            The man laughed darkly and spoke quietly into an intercom before rushing forward. Crow easily jumped up and did a flip before spinning around to face her opponent again. "Is that the best you can do? I thought Ras trained you better."

            "Patients." They replied before swiping at her head and kicking her to the ground, a few seconds later the bomb started beeping rapidly. "Your death is coming in five seconds."

            They turned and walked away, about to slip into the shadows, but Crow took out a throwing knife and hit her mark, otherwise known as the man's head, perfectly. "I don't think Death is calling my name just yet."

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