Chapter 3

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Skye quietly slipped out of the apartment and glanced at Jason’s sleeping form one last time, he didn’t stir and if she had been a stranger here would just look like a pile of pillows that had be haphazardly thrown onto the couch. He still didn’t approve of what she was doing but Skye could care less. This would help save Gotham and lead to the two finishing what Joker and Ghul started and end in their revenge. By the time she had gotten outside the dawn light was barely reaching the skyline.

            After going down a labyrinth of alleyways she made it to an abandoned warehouse with only a slight pain in her side from her run. A guard stepped out of the shadows while reaching for his gun. “Who are you?”

            “Name’s Crow.” She replied smoothly. “I’m here to see Black Mask.”

            “Boss isn’t seeing anyone at the moment.”

            Skye glared at the man and took out her retractable scythe, at the press of a button it expanded and the blade pierced the guard through the gut. “I believe I’m going to be the exception.”

            The man let out an incomprehensible jumble of words before going still. Skye retracted her weapon and put it away, she admired her work as the man’s blood spread out onto the ground in a random shape before making her way inside. Once inside the little light that had been out side disappeared and was replaced by dim lights hanging from the ceiling at five yard intervals that barely provided enough light to light a decent pathway. She stayed in the shadows to avoid any other guards that might happen across her path until she noticed the lights getting brighter and voices could be heard up ahead.

            Turning a corner Skye entered the office room to see Black Mask facing the wall with his back to her while discussing something with a few other goons who were all looking intently at a map. “Am I interrupting something?”

            Black Mask whirled around and sized her up. “And you are?”

            “I’m the person who replied to your need for more people.” Skye answered.

            “Really? And what makes you think you’re good enough to help me?”

            Skye took out her scythe again and smirked. “Well your door guard’s guts are spilled all over and I’m sure all your other goons in this room will be just as easy to kill if you would like me to demonstrate.”

            “No, a demonstration on my men will not be needed at the moment.” Black Mask growled while the men behind him relaxed a bit. “If I let you work for me what’s in it for you?”

            “My cut of the money and some people of my own to command.”

            “Very direct… You do know what you want.” He started to pace around her and grinned. “I like that in my employees. You show a lot of ambition and if your loyalty to me is good enough I’m sure you’ll get along with me just fine.”

            “So it’s a deal?” Skye cocked her head to the side, this was much easier than she expected.

            “Of course.” Black Mask held out his hand and they shook on it before backing away from each other. “What is your name?”

            “They call me Crow.”

            “Ah yes… I thought your weapon looked familiar.” He nodded and laughed as he saw some of his men glance at her fearfully. “You made quite a reputation for hating Batman and weak villains before you left.”

            “I try.” She shrugged. “So what do you wish me to do first? Kill someone getting on your nerves? Spy? You name it.”

            “Nothing for now. Just make sure you stay out of sight until I call for you.” Black Mask replied dismissing her. “You’ll know when I do don’t worry about that.”

            Skye left silently and started back through the maze of back streets, she knew her new boss had sent someone to follow her and laughed mentally at him, of course he shouldn’t trust her she was using him… but he didn’t have to know that. To shake off her stalker she went through a large crowd of people on their way to work and disappeared by climbing up a fire escape and jumping roofs until she was across from her apartment. She jumped onto the narrow balcony that was outside the sliding door and picked the lock before walking inside. A heavy weight crushed her to the ground and the breath left her body as she was pinned to the ground.

            “Jason it’s me!” Skye huffed and elbowed him in the side.

            “Oh… right.” He got up and sat back down on the couch. “I thought you were some imbecile burglar.”

            “Right, because the would come out at this time of morning and risk jumping to a small balcony and not a door.”

            “Hey people are gone in the mornings and most of the day.” Jason reasoned.

            Skye got up and threw her weapons into the corner. “I’ll give you that but you knew I might be coming back. You should’ve expected me.”

            Jason rolled his eyes before coming back with a sarcastic comment. “Well excuse me for thinking you’d come in through the door like a normal person. You told me going through windows is my thing.”

            “The window was safer.” Skye decided to change the subject. “So when are you going to start your solo act to find Joker?”

            “Eventually.” He leaned back and sighed. “… Tomorrow I’ll go out on the streets but for now I’m just looking at the news.”

            “Why did I get a lazy partner?” Skye grumbled, which resulted in another round of lighthearted fighting from Jason. 

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