Chapter 20

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Hello, it feels like months but it's probably been a couple of enjoy. I'm really feeling the story ya know?

I'm even working on a new one heheheehehehe

"M-Mrs. Belford, hi." Nola said.

"Let this be a warning. A'raya, stop looking for me."

The phone went blank...she hung up. Then the phone buzzed again.

A message.

Nola takes the phone and opens the message. "It's a video...." Nola's voice came out shaky. She gasps and drops the phone. "No." She wept.

"What?!" Maggie asked frantically as I watched Nola shake and tear up.

I grabbed the phone from the floor and played the video.

JJ was tied up. He was screaming and squirming around, he was gagged, in his work uniform, and it was covered in blood. The dingy room he was in was filled with blood-covered weapons.

This was where mom was doing all her work.

"Stop looking for me." The distorted voice said before the woman in all black with a black shiesty mask took an electric saw as JJ wrestled with his restraints and cut his head clean off. His head flies and hits the camera, leaving blood on the lens before the video closes.

Maggie and I look at each other.

"No, no, no!" Maggie sobs. "What the actual fuck is wrong with her?!"

Nola remains quiet, still shaking and crying.

My hands go around my stomach. "I don't want to lose this baby, guys; I can't."

"She will kill anyone. She doesn't care." Nola said, sniffling. "Now JJ's gone too."

"How many people will die? Why won't she stop?" Maggie asked.

"She's a psychopath. A serial killer. She won't stop because she doesn't think she's wrong." I said. "I gotta go home. I can't stay here right now."

Maggie and Nola nodded. Nola got up, wiping her tears. "Can I ride with you?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"Let me walk you guys," Maggie whispered solemnly.

We walked outside to my car. I parked far off since the parking here was shit and good parking cost money I wasn't going to pay. We walked in silence...there was nothing to say. Leslie's gone. JJ's gone. We need to be more careful. I will be my mother's next target if we aren't.

"Something's burning." Maggie suddenly said.

We all looked at my car...where the smell was coming from.

Nola tapped my shoulder. "Run!"

We started running the other way, hearing the car explode behind us. Car parts and shrapnel raining down, screaming and wailing, sirens, and...death.

Exactly what my mother wanted.

She wanted my death.

We were far enough to escape being blown to bits, but Nola was hit with shrapnel, pierced straight into her stomach. "Fuck." She groaned, blood spilling out of her mouth. "It...It hurts."

"Stay with us, Nola. Help is coming, ok?" Maggie cried as I called nine-one-one.

"H–hello, please, help," I sobbed. "Oh my god, oh my god, we need help."

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