Dumped on My Wedding Day

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Hey readers!

So this is my new story that i started worrking on recently and thought maybe I should try posting it to see maybe it's good or not.

PLease give some feedback! AND


if you like it, of course (:


Kaelah POV

“You’re nothing to me. Do YOU think that I would actually love someone so pathetic and hideous as you?  You’re just a rebound from my girl and you were fun for a while, but then you got clingy.”  He spoke through his smooth full lips and his gaze was teasing as he stared at me like I was stupid.

Tears escaped my eyes as I clinged for my life on his arm not wanting to let go of my man.  I knew I looked horrible right now with my tears ruining my makeup making my mascara run sneakily down my high cheekbones.  Giving me a disgusting stare, he violently pushed me on to the ground, my legs scratched against the hard floor of the church that stained my wedding dress.  No, he was mine. He’s lying through his teeth; I know it.  Every night we had stayed together he would whisper into my ear how much he loved me.  That can’t all change.

My arms flailed lifeless on the ground, but hurriedly clenched around his legs as I stared up at him with my green-greyish eyes that were filled with salty tears.  My eyes caught him staring at me with a look that made it seem that he liked every minute of this.  No, that can’t be.  My eyes are just mistaken because they were blurred from my tears. 

The elegant door flung open as a blonde girl with a skimpy dress that trailed down just below her hip bone ran in.  Her breast were popping out of the dress as she jumped into the arms of Vincent kissing him on the lips that were just intertwined with mine yesterday.

“This is Jessica and we’ve been together for one year.”  He said with venom stinging every word towards me as Jessica gave me a possessive look telling me to stay away.

My arms immediately dropped dead as a doorknob on the ground.  Everything clicked in place in an instant as I thought back into the days where he would suddenly quit on our plans saying he had to go to work.  Or when he promised he would be there at night, but as soon as I fell asleep, he would slip away secretly.

Grabbing Jessica in a bridal way that he used to carry me to bed, he stalked out of the church every step echoed through the church.  Every step he took, my heart broke into pieces until they were all crushed into small flecks of dust.

 Eyes were on me sobbing on the floor as they witnessed the whole thing flow past whispering to one another.  The door suddenly slammed opened shaking the building.  My teary puffed eyes glanced up hoping that Vincent would walk and claim that he was just kidding.  My eyes met the raged eyes of my best friend, Kale, as he quickly stomped into the wedding chapel.

”I just witnessed Vincent in a full on make out session with some whore outside.”  He said as he knelt down to me wrinking his tuxedo that he had rented. 

His eyes widened with realization and a glint was suddenly mixed together with his hate-filled eyes.  He ran out just like Vincent had and left wind gently blowing in my face. 

But, before he walked out the door, he turned around to everyone in general.

“What the hell are you guys waiting for? GET OUT.”

The shuffling of feet and clatters of heels bounced off the walls and every scurried to get out trying not to meet my pain-filled eyes.

Everything in my mind was in the distance as thoughts ran into my head.

He never loved you.

You were just a toy that he got tired of and threw away.

My heart felt like it was being restrained and my breathing got shallower making it hard to breathe.  My bottom lip quivered as I exhaled a breath. 

I have to get out of here, I thought.

Standing up shakily, I stumbled out the side door of the church my eyes searching side to side looking for my car.  Instead of seeing my normal black audi car, there was my car with gigantic ribbons and balloons stuck on it.   A loud sob erupted from my chest as I remembered that me and Vincent had spent the whole a day decorating my car just for our wedding.

I ran over to the car my brunette hair wavering in the air, it's curls bouncing up and down cascading down my narrow back.  As soon as I came into contact with the car, I ragingly tore everything up; the ribbons, balloons, and everything had to go.  After I was done, I jumped into the car and raced out of the parking lot. 

I steered the car into random intersections leering right and left whenever I felt like.  I closed my eyes for a single second and then everything went in slow mode.  Loud beeps rang vanishing in the cool air.  Loud ripples of metal and scent of gasoline were suffocating.  Electricity like pain erupted throughout my body as my piercing scream cut through the air like darts on a dartboard.  My head hit against the wheel as a result of the car spun around out of control.

Let’s hope this isn’t a dream.

Kale POV

THAT BASTARD. He was going to die and it was going to be by my hands.  My furious steps were evident as I stepped out of the chapel seeing that Vincent and that whore were still here.

I ran up to him and pushed the girl out of the way and threw a punch that was filled with anger ruining his oh-so-perfect face.  His grunts of pain satisfied me as I started going crazy with the thoughts that rang through my head.

If she had just listened to me, she wouldn’t be dumped on her wedding day.  Instead of putting all her attention, she could’ve put it towards me and I would’ve kept her safe in my arms. 

Why. –punch-. Couldn’t. –punch-. She. –punch-. Fall. –punch-. In love. -punch-. WITH ME.  I threw my final punch.

He turned to me blood flowing out of his nose and their was outlines of black on his eyes.  I smirked knowing that he deserved it.  His eyes were puffing, but I could still see that teasing and knowing look that he gave.

"You're just jealous that I got to her before you did and that she loved me and not you."  He spat out blood staining his teeth. 

My hands clenched and I started seeing red.  Raising my fist, I punched him with everything I got and I heard a crack from his nose.  That got him good.  I stood up and let go of his collar.  Sweat was developing on my head from the heavy beating I gave Vincent.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see a black audi car with a little of ribbon hanging out from behind the car racing out of the car lot.  No, that was Kaelah.  My feet suddenly reacted and I ran towards the car lot seeing the slut run up to Vincent and started screeching about me ruining his perfect face.  Before I could open my car door, hands were grasping every part of my body and my head was slammed against the trunk of my Mercedes car.  I turned my head to give the bastard that made me hurt my polished car, but was met with the police armed with guns aimed at me stanced in a protective stance.

Great, when did they get here?


So that's the FIRST PART (:

I'm sorry it's short, I just want to write a little and see it people I like it. Please read it and if you like it, feel free to tell me!


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