Dumped on My Wedding Day: Chapter 2

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Hey guys, I want to thank some of you who vote for my first chapter. Thank you!

THE PIC ON THE SIDE IS OF KAELAH. Do you like her? Tell me otherwise.

AND here it GOESSS.


Chapter 2:  What happened?

Kale POV

Yesterday had been quite an interesting day that was filled with sadness mixed with the seed of rage.  I hated the fact that Kaelah’s heart was broken and shredded into thin pieces because she didn’t deserve this; no one did.  But a part of me inside was jumping like monkeys for joy that she was single and was Vincent-free.  Vincent was never good enough for Kaelah and he didn’t deserve her.

The fact that he was sneaking behind Kaelah’s back had turned me into an blood-thirsting beast and I went all out on his sorry ass.   Every time Kaelah and I hung out together and he would interfere, he would sneakily behind her back, shoot me dead on glares and smirks that he knew would anger me leading to bottled up emotions that were striving at every chance to burst its bubble. 

After I was arrested, I had to stay in a rotten jail cell that reeked of blood and dried up piss.  Didn’t they ever clean this up?  My mind wandered back to the time when I saw Kaelah on the ground, her dress torn at the knee, body shaken up throbbing with sobs that echoed throughout the chapel, and her usual ravishing, exotic eyes were filled with overwhelming tears that broke my already shattered heart.

  My heart has already been stepped on and shredded to pieces when she overlooked my over protectiveness thinking I was just acting like a brother and treated her like a sister.  However, seeing her lying a mess on the floor with a look of betrayal on her beautiful face had made me so heartbroken that all I wanted to do was go up to her and claim that I was the who loved her and I was the one she should be with, but I knew it my selfish and greedy side talking.

Because Vincent smartly decided not to press charges, I was let out the day after I was caught.  My personal belongings that were taken away in the beginning were given back to me.  As soon as they were returned to me, I quickly turned on my phone and saw 37 MISSED CALLS from Kaelah’s mom.  I had know Kaelah ever since I was in kindergarten and her mom grew to trust me and look up to me like a son.  Knowing something was wrong, I pressed ‘call back’ and waited for her to pick up.

What if Kaelah had suicided herself?  What if she went missing and tried to get Vincent back?  What if she left the state of Florida to find comfort in some hotter guy in London? 

“KALE. KALE. Kaelah got into a car crash and is at Miami Hospital right now and is in surgery due to her injuries.  Please come, Kale… I don’t know what to do.  That bastard that she was going to marry better be across the continent right now because I won’t hesitate to hire some people to go kick his sorry ass. I told Kaelah that he was nothing but a dirty scumbag, but she wouldn't listen to me and attempted to marry him.  I'm such a horrible mother for letting this happen and... “Kaelah’s mom talked in a hurried tone and kept talking and talking, but I zoned out as I realized that Kaelah was hurt in a hospital probably fighting for her life and I was just standing around doing nothing.

I said bye to her mom and hung up and searched the police’s car lot for my car.  And after finding it, I raced out heading for the hospital. 

Please don’t die.  Please do not die.

Kaelah POV

Loud chattling was ringing my ears as I felt a dull sensation of pain in various areas of my body especially my head since it was throbbing almost like hearing the screech of nails on a chalkboard.  Why were their noises waking me up when everyone knew I wasn't an early bird.  Everyone says, “Early bird catches the worm.” But I believed that the early bird is out of its freakin mind and needs to take a chill pill followed by some sleep.

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