Chapter One

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"Are you even listening to me right now?" Gus looked exasperated. "You're actually getting on my nerves today." I shot him a look. "Not my fault you're so fucking boring. All we do is hang out in your house all day. I want to go explore and have adventures like we used to." I steady myself from falling out of his bed where I was hanging upside down. "We can't do that and you know it. They put rules in place for a reason." I sit up and rest my head on his shoulder. "What are you even doing anyway?" I look at his scroll and smile. "You know you'll never beat my highscore on that game dork." Gus laughs. "I wouldn't be so sure about that Matty." "Again with this 'Matty' bullshit. I already told you to stop that you asshole." I shove him jokingly, as blush creeps up my neck. He shows me the screen and my jaw drops. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?? And here I thought I was actually good at the game." We laugh for a while, and I wished I could stay in this moment for just a little longer. Hanging out with Gus was always fun, whether I had feelings for him or not. "Do you think you could convince your dad to let me stay over today? It's still the weekend." Gus shrugs. "I can ask. Stay here."

He leaves the room and I hear his footsteps going down the stairs. I pull out my scroll and send a message to my mom asking her to stay over at Gus's house. She said it was ok as long as I didn't get into any trouble. I've stayed at his place before, and its always great. Despite my asshole-ish personality, I really like Gus. He was my first real friend, and he stuck with me through everything. I contemplate telling him how I feel about him. It's been like this since that day in the looking glass ruins. I think about him more than I probably should, but i can't help it. He's so nice too. I sigh and stare at the ceiling. I'm not ready to tell him yet. I will someday though.

I hear Gus running up the stairs. "So what did he say?" "HE SAID YOU COULD STAY!" He looked really exited, and to be honest I was too. We stayed up almost all night watching movies, playing video games, and even just talking. Eventually we were exhausted, and fell asleep on the floor.


THATS THE END OF CHAPTER ONE :D I'm going to make the second part, but let me know ideas and suggestions in the comments i hope u liked it (454 words)

gustholomule is my fav so i wrote abt itWhere stories live. Discover now