Part 2

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"Mom! I got my Hogwarts letter!" an eleven year old boy with wild black hair and forest green eyes runs down down the hallway into the living room holding up a folded letter now opened.

Hadrian James Potter Darkwood smiles at the woman sitting on a rocking chair reading something on her lap. The woman beams a smile at him and beckons him over. Hadrian runs over and climbs on his mother's lap showing her the paper.

"Congratulations dear. Well, read it out loud." the woman places her papers aside to give her adopted son her undivided attention.

"Dear Mr. Potter, you have been accepted to the school of witchcraft and wizardry. We expect your reply no later than September 9th. Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall." Hadrian smiles looking at the woman with gorgeous features and smiling just as bright.

"That is wonderful. Tomorrow, we will go get your things."

"Yay!" Hadrian jumps off her lap and flaps the paper around in excitment after hugging his mother.

Hadrian knows the woman is not his real mother as she told him his real mother and father died protecting him from an evil wizard. He still loved the woman no matter if she is not his by blood. The bell above the fireplace rings before two figures step into the living room. Draco Malfoy just as tall as Harry runs over with his own letter of acceptance. He runs to grapple Harry into a hug nearly toppling them over.

"Harry! I got accepted to Hogwarts. Did you get in?" The woman chuckles seeing Harry gasping for air.

"Draco, let him breathe first."

"Sorry." he lets go and Harry tkaes a deep breath of air.

"Yes...i got in..." He says breathlessly. Once he is composed, he grabs Draco's hand and drag him to his room.

"Hazel, lovely to see you." Narcissa Malfoy, the mother of Draco walks over to the woman still lounging in her chair.

"Same to you Cissy."

"Draco asked me to ask you if he can sleep over so he and Harry can go shopping for their shcool supplies."

"Sure. I do not mind."

"Thank you. i have to head back. See you tomorrow." Mrs. Malfoy leaves knowing the boys are busy to say goodbye.

The next morning, Lady Darkwod with the two lads head to Diagon Alley. They go to get their wands first before heading to get the rest of the supplies.

"Let us go." Hazel opens the door for the two boys holding hands to not lose each other, especially in a crowded area like Diagon Alley.

"Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Lady Darkwood, a pleasure as always."

"Say Hello dears." Harry and Draco boy to the wand maker to say hello.

"It was just yesterday your parents came in here to get their own wands." Ollivander gives two wands to the lads. Draco and Harry flick them and something breaks. "Nope."

Another pair of wands are given and shelves are blown out. The old man thinks before heading to the back of the store. "I wonder." He pulls out two wand boxes with caution. He prays it is not them. Walking back over, he hands the wands to Harry and Draco.

The adults are surprised when Harry's eyes glow gold and Draco's eyes glow silver. Olivander's frown deepens knowing what the reaction means.

"These two wands are very special. They are bonded like no other for they are made for each other. They are soulmates and the handler of these wands are fated to be together as a couple." Lady Darkwood chuckles as the boys stick their tongues out disgusted.

"Thank you." Hazel pays for the wands and leads the boys out not seeing the grim expression on Olivanders face as he looks at the wand he gave to Harry but was rejected. The wand is linked with the phoenix feather to the dark lord. 

'Dumbledore will not like this.'

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