Part 3

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"Harry! Draco, come along. Don't want to be late!" Hazel calls up the stairs. It is the day when the boys go to Hogwarts and she wants to make sure they are on time.

"Madame, the luggage is in the car." an elf appears beside the woman.

"Thank you Cherry." the elf pops away at the same time the boys walk down the stairs. "Time to go."

The three head into the car. Hazel at the wheel and the two lads in the backseat. Hazel begins driving to the train station while Harry and Draco talk about which house they will be in. The adult glances in the review mirror smiling at the joint hands. Even if Draco and Harry are young and don't understand the significance of their bond, their magic cores sure find a way to be bonded. Holding hands is one of the signs that the bond is strong between the two.

They make it an hour early and exit the car. Hazel grabs Harry's hand leading the boys to the wall where the signs 9 and 10 are. They walk right in and turn to witness the wonderful and magnificent Hogwarts train in its glory. red and gold and black. Gorgeous and well-kept throughout the years.

"Alright, boys remember to behave and do what I told you. Just because you are in different houses does not mean you can't still be friends. Alright?" Draco and Harry nod and Harry lets go of Draco's hand for a second to hug his mother.

"Bye, mom."

"Bye, darling. Look out for yourself and if you have to, use your magic with the spells i taught you alright? you may be a Potter but you are also a Darkwood and that means-"

"Fight until weakness becomes strength." Hazel run her fingers through his wild hair kissing his forehead and then nudging him to Draco toward the train. The boys join hands once more and climb on. 

She waits till the train leaves and wishes them good luck. She wipes a tear from her eyes knowing just how much Lily and James would love watching their son get on the train. Glad she took pictures when Harry and Draco were not looking.

"There they go Lil and J. Off to Hogwarts and probably get into adventures." Hazel wipes once more her teary eyes before heading back to her car and heading off to work.

Harry sits in a compartment with Draco and he feels a weight on his chest. He hopes he will do his parents and stepmother proud. He stares out the window watching the station disappear and the meadows and city go by.

"Hey Harry, check this spell out." Harry looks over to Draco holding their charms book and see a spell on levitating an object. 

"Wingardium Leviosa. Swish and flick. Haha, sounds weird." harry reads the spell.

"Want to try it?" Draco pulls out his wand.

"Sure." Before the two can do the spell the compartment door opens and a bush-haired girl stands looking around.

"Have any of you seen a toad? A boy named Neville lost it." She is quite rude, not announcing her name or excusing herself for bothering them. Does she not have manners?

"Um no. who are you?" Draco answers.

"I'm Hermione Granger." Her eyes land on Harry or rather his scar. "Holy cricket, you are Harry Potter."

"Yeah. Um, if we see a toad then we will tell you." Harry does not want to sound rude.

"Thanks." she leaves without saying goodbye.

"She was rude. Aunt Hazel would be scolding her about now."

"Yeah, mother hates people forgetting their manners." Harry knows firsthand when he lacked in lessons. Her scolding face is not one he wants to look at again.

"So the spell?" Draco summons a smile on Harry's face and they practice. The ride was long and they soon arrive at night. Harry and Draco already changed into their robes beforehand and they move down the hallway to the door.

"First years! First years!" Draco and Harry stare for a minute at the huge man. It is either because they are small or he is a giant. The giant leads the group to boats and Harry looks back to the older students wondering where they are going. "Four in a boat."

Draco and Harry get on one with two chubby boys. Draco seemed to recognize them and introduce them as Crabbe and Goyle to Harry. Harry nods in greeting and watches them float across a lake. After ducking their heads under a bridge, their eyes widen upon the grand castle.

"Wow." Harry smiles in awe. His aunt and his parents came to this place. Pride and happiness swirl in his chest. 

They get out of the boats and walk up a pathway to inside the castle. Up a few stairs, they meet with an old lady in red robes. Her hair is up in a tight bun and somehow, Harry feels like he met her before.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Before these doors open, i have a few wkrds to say. When you enter you will be sorted into your houses. There are four or them, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. Your houses will be like your family, do well and you gain points, break a rule and you lose points. At the end of the year the house with the mkst points will win house cup. Please wait here for a moment." The lady turns and walks in.

The students begin chatting and Harry feels someone tug his robes. Turning he meets a red haired boy stare in awe. Harry guesses the boy saw his scar that his mother explained he received when he was a baby when the evil wizards tried to kill him.

"You are Harry Potter. I am Ron Weasley." Harry shakes his hand and smiles. "What house do you think you will be in?"

"Harry," Draco voice turns their attention to the blonde. Draco smile drops seeing Ron. "Let me guess, red hair and a hand me down robe. You must be a Weasley. Harry, don't hang out with him, you dont want to go making friends with the wrong sort."

Harry does not say anything and follow the crowd when the lady returns. Harry lost sight of Draco and feels his heart tug for his friend. Ron somehow is walking beside him with the girl Hermione in front. 

"Stand along here. Now before we begin sorting Albus Dumbledore have somethings to say." An old man stands up and Harry feels cautious. He seems amazing and wise but something crazy is swirling in his eyes giving Harry a dark feeling.

"For all first year students the dark forest is forbidden to enter. And mister Filch has reminded me to inform you all the third corridor is out of bounds to those who do not wish to die a painful death." Harry eyes widen at the words. The hell!? What crazy school is this?

"Now when i call your name, you will come and sit and be sorted i to your houses. Hermione Granger." The bushy hair girl walks up and Harry jumps when the hat speaks. He relaxes remembering his mother explaining the sorting.


"Draco Malfoy." Harry smiles at his friend and is shocked when the hat brushed his hair before yelling out Slytherin.

"Harry Potter- Darkwood." Harry steps up to the stool and sits down. The hat is placed on his head as his heart begins racing. Which house will he be in?

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