Part 18

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"I've found it. Damn, this woman is hard to find even in books." Harry chuckles walking to stand beside Draco's shoulder looking over at the book he holds.

Hazel Darkwood.
Witch graduated from Hogwarts magical school of witchcraft and wizardry
Husband: unknown.
Magic level: 1000
Occupation: Auror
Age: 32
Family: Darkwood
Other info: none

"That is useless."

"Then it is time to get the info from the source." Draco nods and they head out of the Malfoy manor library and go find Hazel.

They soon find her with Narcissa chatting in the living room with tea. Draco and Harry admire their mothers fondly. The women who took care of them and loved them. Glancing at each other, Draco nudges his head for Harry to go first.

"Mom," The two women turn their heads.

"Yes dear, what is it?"

"I wanted to know about your past. What were you like and well, who is my stepfather?" Hazel eyes widen slightly in surprise and glances to Narcissa who nods.

"Harry, have a seat. I guess it is time for you to know a bit about the family." Harry sits down eager for some knowledge in what makes his step mother so great and powerful. Hazel licks her lips and gulps her saliva nervously. "The darkwood family is not very famous due to our known secrecy. There are still some living relatives but they are somewhere else in the world. As for your step father, that would be your godfather Sirius Black but we aren't married."

"Really? Where is he?"

"In prison for unjust accusations of murder which he did no such thing. Dumbledore accused him of killing muggles when they were already dead. Sirius is in Azkaban but soon he won't be and he will be back home."

"What do you mean?"Draco and Harry tilt their heads unsure about the woman's words.

"You will see soon." That was the end of discussion and the two boys leave.

"Hey Harry, Draco," The twins tumble out of the fireplace in Draco's room.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks.

"We have great news. We just found out that Hazel your step mother is the fifth marauder."

"Shit, catch him!" Harry world goes black.

"..rry...Harry...honey, are you alright?" Opening his eyes to see his stepmother worried gaze on him.

"Did i dream that you are the fifth marauder?" He asks a bit groggy.

"I am afraid not dear. Here sit up and eat this." A piece of chocolate is given and he eats it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sitting up, Harry asks slowly to continue waking up and also to process the fact his own stepmother was a marauder. The best pranksters in history.

"You did not need to know. Not to mention i did not want more attention to be on you." Hazel narrowed gaze turns Harry attention to the twins stiff as statues.

"What..." remembering the same pose from Hermione using the freezing spell on Neville, he nods and uses the counter bind. "You are not going to tell anyone, right?"

"We won't but only if your stepmother will tell us about some old tricks of hers." The pointed look from his stepmother has the twins drop the heads.

"Anyway, you need not worry yourself of my old habits dear. Just focus on school and passing and being a teenager."

"But i would like to know more about you. Even last night at the ministry you were ready to jump into action if danger appeared."

"Oh you noticed." She chuckles with a cheeky grin. "You and James with those seeker eyes. Scary."

"Mom," the deep tone in his voice has Hazel grow serious. "Please tell me what is going on."

"Okay. Eat please dear. I did not get that for you to make a melted hot ice cream with it in your hand." Harry pops the treat into his mouth before giving all his attention to his stepmother. "Last night i was tense because i gained notice that the death eaters were on the move. I need not tell the minister because he is a useless twat and i told nobody else because it was a need to know basis."

"Does Dumbledore know?" Hazel shakes her head.

"No. Nobody."

"Who was your contact?" Narcissa voice snap everyone attention to her and Draco sitting on one of the couches.

"Need to know basis." 

"You don't trust us." Narcissa says crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, it is just need to know and right now you don't need to know." That ended the conversation about that subject. "Now Harry i did not tell you i was the fifth marauder because it was to keep you safe."

"You know, i am getting tired of all this protection." Harry curls his fingers into a fist hating how everyone walks on eggshells around him.

"I know you can protect yourself while i am not around but some things that involve me should not include you. I love you too much to see you hurt due to my past dear." Nodding, Harry understands how his stepmother is just letting events he can handle be dealt with by himself and anything he couldn't handle she is keeping at a distance.

"I understand." They hug with smiles on their faces.

"Now let us have dinner. And as for you two," eyes turn to the Weasley twins. "Tell anyone and you will be fearing me more than your mother."

"Understood ma'me." Harry and Draco bark out laughing at the cringe expression Hazel did.

"And never call me ma'me. I may be an adult but i am still young." they move to the dinning hall and eat before they head to bed.

"Mom," Harry calls before Hazel can walk out of his room.

"Hm," she turns to face him.

"Can you tell me a bit more about how you became a marauder?" Hazel smiles and walks to the bed sitting on it.

"Your father, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin were great friends of mine. They each had a talent and were special. We each had our own little skill that made us unique but helped when we worked together. Your father quidditch skills, Sirius Black tricks, Peters secrecy, and Remus with his defense against the dark arts. My skills were..."

"Please tell me." Harry urges for his stepmother to tell him.

"I can talk to animals whether it be magical creatures, animagus or normal muggle animals. That is how i can talk to your father and his friends in their animagus forms. It got a bit tiring being a translator when only one of them was in animagus form." Harry smiles at his stepmothers grin.

"You miss them?"

"Terribly but i still live on and protect the best person in my life which is you." Touched by the statement Harry reaches over and hugs his stepmother tightly. "I love you so much Harry and never forget this. Love is and always wins against the dark."

"I will."

"Good. Now, go to sleep. You got to wake up early to get to the train."

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