Part 14

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"Harry," Draco grabs his arm and tugs him around the corner.

"What?" Harry snaps tugging his arm back. He is surprised by the soft look the blonde is throwing at him. Why does that look summon butterflies in his stomach?

"It concerns your muggle-born friend." Harry prepared to curse him but stop hearing Draco call Hermione muggle born and not mudblood. "She has been petrified."

"You better not be lying." Harry threatens quickly pushing Draco into the wall and glaring at him. His fists gripping his robes. "Because I am not in the mood of playing games."

"I am not. I found her in the library and brought her to the nurse. I came to get you afterward wanting to inform you firsthand." Harry lets go of his robe and take a step back. Draco flattens the wrinkles understanding the boy's rage. So much is happening and it is all targetted at him.

"Show me." Draco leads Harry to the hospital wing and they enter seeing Hazel and Poppy standing beside a figure lying on the bed. "Hermione."

"Harry, come." He walks over and feels his heart drop upon the sight of his friend frozen; petrified. "The mandrake roots are still maturing so it will be a while before she will be cured. I am sorry dear."

Harry's emotions fly all over the place. He goes to sit beside her grasping her hand in his. He feels sadness, regret for not being there for her, and determination that is rising quickly in finding out about the creature. This is not going to continue, not on his watch.

"Draco," Hazel lowers down to whisper in the boy's ear, her hands on his shoulders. "It was a very noble thing you did. You two may be fighting but I know you still care about your friend."

Draco does not say anything and just stares at Harry. Hazel is right; she is always right. He does care about Harry. He does not like how he is getting into trouble and always going to the brink of death but he still helps if he can because that is what he swore on. He swore to himself that he will look after his friend. Slytherins may be prideful and cunning but they are extremely loyal even to a Gryffindor.

"I will head back to my common room." He turns and leaves. Pausing at the door, he looks over his shoulder to stare at Harry one last time before disappearing. His heart is lighter due to his noble actions in informing the boy of his friend.

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