2. The Story Begins

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One year later

ꨄ︎𝘼𝙪𝙜𝙪𝙨𝙩 14ꨄ︎

I sit in my room eating sherbet because it's kinda hot outside. I'm watching some scary movie too. I'm a horror nerd what can I say? I'm curdled up in my blanket with the air conditioner ruining as I'm waiting for my dad to get home from work. After a the movies ends, my dad opens the door as he comes in with a watermelon.

"Y/N!" He calls for me.

"YES DAD?!" I yelled out to him.

"I NEED YOU TO GET THE STUFF FROM THE CAR!" He yelled at me from the kitchen.

I turn my TV off as u put on some shoes. I run down stairs and go out to the car. I grab some bags from the trunk and go back inside. I put them on the table to let my dad put up the groceries. I grab his key. I go back and get the rest. I close the trunk and grab the keys out of my rip jeans pocket. I lock the trunk and go back in as shut and lock the door to the house. I put the bags on the table.

"Happy Watermelon day." My dad says.

"Oh, that's today?" I asked.

"Yeah, it is." He said.

"Oh. I must've forgot." I said.

"Well if you want some watermelon it's in the fridge." He told me.

"Okay, thanks dad." I said.

I grab 2 pieces of watermelon. I give one to my dad. He grabs salt to put on his. I jump up on the counter because I can.

"So how was work today?", I asked, then I took a bite if the watermelon.

"Well, Danny pissed me off today. He's getting so lazy. If he keeps up like this he'll get fired."

"Yeah, I'm surprised he isn't yet." I said, agreeing.

"Yeah, and Chance was all up in my Ass today. He was also pissing of J.L, He kept hollering for us to get this done and that done. He even let the other departments off earlier! All because "They had nothing to do", and they did! We sent something over there earlier today."

"Dang, That sucks." I said, god I got him started again- This happened with my other friend too. The fact they're both Virgo's too-

"Yeah, if this keeps up I might just quit!" He said.

"Oh, well, might as well if he keeps this on I guess."

"The others said he's just in a bad mood." He told me.

"Maybe, You'll see tomorrow I guess." I said.

"Yeah." He said as he finished his slice of watermelon.

I finshee eating my too.

"Alright well, wake me up at 7, I gotta take a nap." He said as he walked off.

I sighed and went to my room. My dad preferred sleeping downstairs. So he did. I had the whole upstairs to myself he said. Except for one room. He has a bunch of stuff he likes to work on up there.

I go to my room and flop on my bed. God, what to do now. I turn on my TV and watch Halloween. After the movie end I then check and see it's almost 7. I get up and tell my dad what time it is. Then I walk back upstairs. I can't help but feel like someone or something is watching me. I look at my windows and close the curtains at all of them. My dad then calls out for dinner. I go down and eat with him.


•day before Casey's & Steve death•

~7 AM~

I roll out of bed and fall onto the floor. Due to my alarm suddenly going off.


I get up and turned off my my alarm.

"Fucking hell... I got a loud ass alarm." I said.

I got dressed and ready for school. It's been 2 months since school started and just last year I made friends with a class clown. Stu Macher. Yeah pretty weird I know. The introverted new kid with the extroverted class clown.

Anyways enough of that shet.

I had on a black 'Nightmare on Elm Street' shirt, some ripped jeans. I also had on some red converse


I go out and make some toast and put jam on it. I kinda eat too fast lol. I grab my bag and it has some of the more popular slashers Keychain on it. I grab my keys to the house and lock the house up. I then get in my car and drive to school

I park in the school parking lot. I grab my keys and bag. I throw my bag over my shoulders and get out of my car. I go up to school and see Randy. Randy is of course a horror nerd like me. I forgot to mention that me & him are like the best of friends ever since Stu introduced me to his friends last year. Funny how it only took a couple of months to become best friends with him.

I walk up to Randy as he's just walking into school.

"Oh, Hey Y/N! How are you?" He asked me.

"I'm tired and I wanna die."

"Oh, well I mean you always are. Just don't die on me yet Y/N." He said.

"As long as no one murders me. I can do that."

"Who knows, you might" He said, joking

"Haha, Maybe, hopefully not too soon though." I say. I then felt an arm wrapping around my shoulder.

"Wassup guys, watcha talking about?" A voice said.

"Oh, nothing. Just talking about my death, which probably won't come as soon as I want it to." I said.

"Hmm, I see. Well catch ya later, I gotta go meet up with Tate. Bye Y/N." He said before leaving.

"Sooo" I said to Randy.

"Sooo" He said back to me.

"What now?" I asked.

"Eh I don't know, wanna catch a movie later?" He asked.

"Sure. My house or yours?" I asked

"Yours, it's better, and you have an actual popcorn machine!" He said.

"Yeah, well thank my dad." I said.

The the bell rang for class. I went to my class and sat in my seat. Another boring day of school

~ Time Skip : after school, your house ~

"Hey dad! I'm home!" I yelled at I tooky key out of the lock and placed my bag on the couch. "Me and Randy are gonna watch a movie later tonight when we get off work!" I yelled again.

"Okay! I tell Randy I said hi and not to eat all the popcorn this time!" He yelled back.

"Okay I will!", I yelled back to him as I went upstairs to get changed in my work clothes. After I got changed I grabbed my MP3 player and headphones and went downstairs. I saw my dad come out the room he was in.

"Heading to work?" My dad asked.

"Yeah." I said, hugging my dad. "See you later!" I said grabbing my keys.

"See you later y/n! Love you!" He yelled.

"Love you too dad!" I said running to my car.

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