7. You're all d34d

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Title: You're All Dead, You've Been Wasted!

Words used: 1996

TW - G0re, Vi0l3nc3, Alc0h0l

• Time skip, your house, before the party •

I decided to ready before the party. I knew I would be wearing the costume for a while and it gets hot in there so I decided light makeup. I then go dressed in some comfortable clothes. I the grabbed a couple of beer boxes I got. Luckily I knew a guy named Steve over 21. I then grabbed a small black bag and put stuff I need in it. I put my keys, money, mp3 player, & a gun, along with the knife in it.

After I was done getting ready I walked outside. I then took my keys out of my bag and locked the house. I then go in my car and drove towards Stu's house. I was kinda of nervous but I also felt ready for it.

• Time skip, at the party, the Macher house •

I was just sitting in between Tatum and Sidney listening along to music playing.

"Stu, you have good music taste." I said.

"Thank you man." He said.

"How many evil deads?" Randy yelled. As two raises their hands

"How man Hell raisers?" Randy then yelled.

"You have one right." Stu said as many others agreed.

I zoned out listening to the music from there, but I know Tatum got mad a something cause I heard her talking about something. I then saw Gale put a camera near the TV. Gotcha, I said in my head. I then got up and went to Stu. After I saw Tatum gk towards the garage

"We have a camera" I Whispered in his ear.

"Hmm, okay take care of Tatum first, then after that take care of the Camera." Stu said.

"Gotcha" I said.

I then went towards the the closet and walked towards garage. I the. Changed into the costume as I closed and locked the door. I then opened the door and shut it back after I saw that Tatum was heading out already.
I then turned the switch to shut the garage door. She tried to get out but it closed before she could. She then turned around to look at me.

"Is that you Randy?" She asked. I shook my head, it the truth not gonna lie.

"What movie is this from A spin on your Garage?" Tatum said. She then walked up to me.

"Lose the outfit if Sidney see it she'll flip." Tatum said trying get out of the garage. I blocked her way then I shook my head, 'I'm not gonna let you out Tatum.' I thought to myself.

"Oh, you wanna play Psycho Killer?" I nodded my head while psycho killer played through my earphones loud enough for only me to hear it.

"Can I be the helpless victim?" Tatum asked. I nodded my head.

"Ok let's see, No please don't kill me Mr. ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel." Tatum said. She then tried to get out once more, but I blocked her again each time.

"Cut Casper. That's a wrap." Tatum said. I then knocked the bear bottle out of her grasp as I tried to hold her there for a little bit.

"Randy what the hell!" She yelled. I then pulled out my knife and held her arm and slices her arm. "Ahh! STOP!" She yelled backing in away.

She then backed up into a chair holding her arm, she then quickly got out of that as I followed her. She then backed up a bit flung the fridge door at my face causing me yelled in pain. I fell down dropping the knife. I then hurriedly picked it back up and followed after her.

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