1.06 ➸

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"YOU KNOW, I HAVE A handsome grandson you may like." Maria told Leona as she grabbed a pill from the cart for the older woman to take. She smiled at her, drinking it down with a small cup of water. "His name is Felipe. A sweet man, like his grandfather."

Leona thanked her as she handed back the small cup and she set it back on the cart, marking on her paper that Maria had taken her lunchtime pills.

After being taken, she and Glenn were rushed inside of an older building by the two men who'd attacked them as well as the three that had been in the car. They were escorted straight to Guillermo, the man in charge, and after being threatened to be fed to his dogs, he told them he didn't see them as threats, and offered them a room to share until they worked out something with Rick and the others.

It had been Maria who'd demanded they not be trapped in the small room all day like prisoners, despite that being exactly what they were. Instead, the men decided to have them help with the elderly. So, while Glenn kept some of them company, Leona decided to mention that she worked in a pharmacy while she was in college, and knew enough about their meds to dish them out properly. Seeing as Guillermo wanted Felipe with him, he had a few of his men stand guard while she did so.

"I am sure that he is, Maria." She told her with a smile. "But I have no desire to start a relationship with anyone while the world is in this state."

The older woman scoffed, waving her hand as another lady—Antonia—laughed.

"Oh, honey, was the world all that better before?" She asked, raising a brow. "At least now there are no corrupt politicians to jack up the price of meds and fuck us over. And gas? That shit's free now."

Leona laughed along with a few more at the table, a genuine smile plastered on her face that made her cheeks hurt. It had been years since her own grandparents all passed away, and her parent's more recently than that, so having people older than her to talk to was nice. They reminded her of when she and Rick would spend summers with their grandparents on their mothers side, a hopeless attempt on their parents part to get them more into the church.

"Hey, Leona?" Glenn was standing beside her suddenly, and she watched as he put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "You alright?"

She nodded. "Yeah, just...memories."

"I get that." He nodded. "Oh, um, Mark needs his uh...I think he said it was silenquil, or something?"

She nodded, moving back to the cart and flipping through dozens of charts until she found his. Then, after flipping through the different prescriptions, only one sounded like it might be a match.


He nodded. "Yeah, sounds right."

She pulled out a drawer, grabbing the correct bottle after double-checking the dosage, and handed him the pill.

"Thanks. So, what's this stuff do, anyway?" He asked her.

Smirking, Leona moved and pointed at the diagnosis on his chart, and watched as Glenn's eyes scanned the words on the page.

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