2.05 ➸

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LEONA WAS UP BEFORE THE sun the next morning, the ridiculous hot pink star-shaped sunglasses resting on the bridge of her nose as she helped Carol with the laundry. Despite waking up early, she could've sworn she was already tired enough for a nap. She'd gone inside the farmhouse almost immediately that morning, downing two cups of the black coffee Patricia had made. The woman had chuckled at how fast she chugged them down with only a spoonful of sugar for each cup to sweeten the bitter liquid.

"I swear I got hit by a fucking truck last night." She complained, hanging up one of Carl's shirts. She'd talked to him for a good hour before Rick had decided he needed to sleep. Leona hadn't bothered arguing. "I am so tired. It's like I didn't even sleep."

Andrea chuckled beside her, taking a wet pair of pants from Carol outstretched hand. It was only the three women in the proximity, everyone else either in the RV, huddled around the Cherokee to talk about search grids, or Lori—who was still dead asleep. Leona and Carol each sent her a confused look.

"I'm sure you didn't get much sleep, seeing as you slept in Daryl's tent." Leona felt her face get hot, but she knew her face was turning beet red to match when even Carol managed to chuckle at Andrea's remark. The blonde shared a knowing look with the other woman, like the two of them knew something she didn't.

She shot them both an annoyed look before taking one of the wet shirts in her basket and snapping the fabric in the Andrea's direction. This only made the two women laugh more.

"Shut up, Andrea." She groaned. Leona had forgotten to pitch her tent the night before, and due to her forgetfulness, was forced to choose between sharing a tent with Shane or Daryl. Luckily, it was late enough that Daryl, Andrea, and Shane had been the only ones awake, seeing as everyone else had already turned in for the night. She glared at the blonde. "You weren't supposed to tell anyone."

"So it is a secret?" She pried, hanging a pair of boxers on the line.

"Nothing happened between Daryl and I last night." She gritted out, decided to be forward as she grew more irritated with the blonde's teasing behavior. They had only just found each other on good terms a few days before and somehow Andrea was already walking on thin ice. She didn't appreciate her prying.

"Maybe not last night, but what about before?" Andrea asked, Carol grabbing the shirt from Leona's hands and hanging it so she couldn't ignore Andrea.

But she ignored them anyway, rolling her eyes and grabbing another article of wet clothing from the pile. They still had another load of laundry to do, and she wasn't in the mood to feed Andrea more gossip.

That didn't work, either. Apparently, her silence was enough of an answer. She ignored the look she knew Carol and Andrea shared, opting to pretend the conversation had never happened. She didn't want to say anything, not before talking to Daryl. Not that it was any of her business, anyway.

Andrea eventually wandered off, losing interest and leaving her and Carol to do the laundry. Any other morning it would've pissed her off, but she was grateful when she announced that she was going to find something else to do.

Leona had decided to stay at the farm while the others went out that day. Hershel had wanted Rick to stay if Carl needed more blood for any reason, but Leona knew that he was was more useful looking for Sophia, so she volunteered to give blood if Carl would need it. She'd learned that she was the same blood type as both of the boys when Rick was in the hospital. She'd given some blood for him, as well, due to a shortage in supply.

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