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          "OKAY, THAT ONE LOOKS KINDA like a scorpion." Leona pointed to the cloud in the sky. It was a large mass with a few trailing off one end and two clumps near the front that looked like it's pincers.

"Nah, more like a, uh...like a dog." Leona looked over at T-Dog, unamused.

"A dog without hind legs?"

He shrugged. "Scorpions got like six legs, Onie. Missin' two is way more reasonable than six."

"He's right. Definitely more like a dog." Glenn added, he joined the pair standing between two cars on the cluttered highway leading into Atlanta. "Sorry, Leona."

She glanced back at the clouds, taking another look at it before sighing. "Yeah, whatever. I mean, it could be a dog if you really squinted at turned your head like slightly to the left."

T-Dog laughed, shaking his head. "Yo, shut up."

"You're delusional if you think that things a dog, T." She crossed her arms over her chest, a smile lighting up her features. She hadn't gotten to joke like this in awhile. "You got a fever or something?"

"If you three keep screwin' around we'll never get enough gas to get to Fort Benning." Shane snapped from a few cars away, sifting through an engine for spare parts. Glancing his way, Leona scowled, flipping him the bird. He shook his head, unamused. "Real mature, Leona."

She adjusted the pink, star-shaped glasses resting on her nose. "Please, Shane. I'm the epitome of sagacious. But don't get your panties in a bunch. We're going."

Leaning down, Leona grabbed the gas can, rag, and tube laying on the black top. She could still hear T-Dog and Glenn chuckling as she moved on to a car she hadn't reached yet.

For the past day and a half, they'd been scavenging through the city for different types of resources, looking for anything that could help them prepare for the trip to Fort Benning, which was 125 miles of open road that she wasn't exactly excited for. Leona was missing the CDC already—mattresses and showers were two luxuries she never thought she'd have to go without—but she bit her tongue whenever she would think about bringing it up.

The group was still tense after everything that happened with Jenner. No one had said anything about it—hadn't dared to—but it was like a dark cloud hovering over them, just waiting for it's time to pour. Everyone was thinking about it, how they had all almost died in the explosion, and about Jacqui, who'd stayed behind.

The guilt pooled in her stomach as she thought about the whole ordeal. She'd been so focused on getting herself out, she hadn't realized that Jacqui had decided to stay until after Andrea and Dale had climbed out of the building. She'd only wished that she would've stayed back to say goodbye.

Leona went back to siphoning fuel. They had already compiled the gas they had and found they were a few gallons short to get all the necessary vehicles there. They were taking the RV, Carol's Cherokee, and Daryl's motorcycle, the best division of vehicles for gas mileage while also safe enough to look out for walkers.

She found herself on watch that night after having a few too many snarky comments aimed at Shane, not that she really cared. Lori had accidentally mentioned what had happened between her and Shane in the rec room at the CDC, how she had to fight him off of her and that was why he had scratches on his neck. She wouldn't go as far as to tell Rick without Lori's permission, but she would sure as hell do what she could to piss him off until that day came.

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