2.08 ➸

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THE LAST TIME LEONA HAD been in a car accident, she'd been driving down the highway. It was the first time she'd been in an accident while behind the wheel. Before that, it was simple fender-benders with her friends driving the car. She'd rolled her old hatchback a half dozen times and walked away without a scratch. It was only fitting that this time she got cut up.

Leona woke to the sound of the soft on-and-off clicking of the hazard lights, the icons flashing on the dash in a steady rhythm.

She inhaled deeply, trying to wake herself up, feeling the bruises that undoubtedly marked her pale skin beneath her shirt from her body being thrown around the car, as well as the seatbelt that was digging into her skin, locking her against the seat.

Her forehead felt dangerously numb, and when she reached her hand to it, she could feel blood coat her fingers. There was a sting along her cheek, as well. It was a gash carved by the spray of broken glass from the windshield when the car landed sideways on the pavement.

Leona cursed, jerking back into the seat as a walker slammed itself against the weakest part of the windshield, spraying more glass through the inside of the car. It's teeth gnashed at her, it's lifeless eyes set on her.

The walker growled louder, hearing the noise she was making inside the car as she struggled to unbuckle, and she grimaced as it surged forward, pushing against the hole in the windshield created by the impact until it gave. It's skin peeled from its face, catching on the sharp edges as it inched closer.

Leona glanced over at her sister-in-law, her body flush against the driver-side door. Blood was matted into her dark hair, and her eyes were shut. Leona reached out, shaking her arm lightly while keeping an eye on the walker as it pushed harder against the sharp glass.

"Lori, wake up!" Her dark eyes shot open, moving from Leona's face to the walker getting closer to them. The woman let out a yelp of surprise, arms moving to push herself back, only to be trapped in her seat.

Before Leona could calm her, the walker growled and Lori screamed, panicking. The noise only made the walker snap it's teeth at them. Leona's heart beat rapidly in her chest, pounding against it like a rabid dog locked in a cage.

They needed to get out of that car.

Leona looked around, searching for anything that could help her. She saw Lori trying to squirm away from the walker and into the backseat, and planned to follow suit until a decaying hand snapped through the glass, and yanked Lori back by the longer strands of her hair.

"Lori!" She screeched, only to feel the stuck seatbelt buckle finally give way beneath her fingertips as Lori began to cry out, her hand searching for any weapons in reach.

Supporting herself with the sides of the missing passenger door window, Leona hoisted herself half way out of the car. Kicking her right leg out with all the strength she had, her boot made contact with the walkers head, smashing against the glass. She did it again, and again, until the walker fell completely limp, letting Lori go.

Both women were panting as they made eye contact with one another. Lori nodded, thanking her through her labored breaths.

Leona slid out of the car through the open window, turning sideways to account for her hips, and Lori was able to escape through one of the back doors.

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