Chapter 5- Friendship and Chemistry

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"So, do you have a girlfriend?" John asked Sherlock the next day at breakfast, to start a conversation. John had noticed that his new friend wasn't much of a conversation starter, as he spent most of his time studying random people or otherwise just staring off into space in his "mind palace". There was a lot that John wondered about him, one being his relationship status.

Not for any reason, of course. Just curiosity.

"Not really my area," Sherlock responded, without elaboration.

"Oh...." John cleared his throat. "Do you, uh, do you have a boyfriend then?"

Sherlock stared at him, his smokey grey eyes doing the thing where they seemed to be absorbing him. John shifted in his seat.

"No," Sherlock answered simply. "I'm much too involved with my work to engage in ludicrous activities such as dating." John couldn't help but notice that he did not hear an 'I'm not gay.'

"Really?" John asked. "What work is this?"

"I solve cases."

"Cases?" John asked. "What, like crimes?"


"Wow, that's interesting. Where do you find them?"

Sherlock narrowed his eyes in suspicion. He still wasn't entirely sure whether or not he could trust this boy, however much he enjoyed his company. He decided to take the risk. "I hacked into Scotland Yard's database of unsolved case files when I was ten. I've been solving those in my spare time ever since, anonymously sending them my results, but they never take them seriously."

John just stared at him in shock. 

"Other than that....I generally just wait around for something exciting to happen," Sherlock admitted.


John was in awe, and Sherlock just didn't understand. "Why do you do that?" He blurted out, suddenly.

"Do what?"

"React like that," said Sherlock. "As if you don't think I'm a freak-"

"You're not a freak," John told him. "You're the most clever person I've ever met."

Sherlock was speechless, but didn't get a chance to respond before a large hand picked up John's tray of pancakes and sausage and dumped it over Sherlock's head.

Their bully was back.

"Hey! Why do you have to do that?!" John yelled, as Sherlock sighed and scraped the food out of his hair. Pancakes. That's a first.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the boy responded, sarcastically. "I just liked the way breakfast looked on you so much yesterday that I wanted to see it again." He shoved Sherlock off his chair and to the floor. "Prick."

"Leave him alone!" John demanded, standing up to....well, he wasn't really sure what he was going to do, but nobody pushed his friends around!

"It's alright, John," said Sherlock. "He'll leave once he feels that he's adequately asserted his dominance-"

"Quit using those fancy words!" The bully bellowed. "What, you think you're better than me? I can kick your arse, and I will!"

"I'd like to see you try," Sherlock challenged confidently, as if he had not just been doused in breakfast by a boy three times his size.

Unexpectedly, the large kid grabbed Sherlock by the coat collar. Before either Sherlock or John could react, however, a loud voice rang out from across the room.

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