Chapter 9- Trouble

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John woke with a start at the sound of his roommate's voice. He checked the clock: 7:15 am. Sherlock had been in his mind palace all night.

Irritated by his friend's lack of reaction, Sherlock flipped the light on. John flinched, blinded by it's brightness. "Didn't you hear me? I'VE FIGURED IT OUT!"

"Shhh, be quiet. Just give me a sec to wake up, would you?"

Sherlock waited impatiently while John rubbed his eyes and stretched before finally sitting all the way up in bed. It was only then that he looked properly excited. "So you've really figured out who Moriarty is threatening?"

"Yes!" Sherlock exclaimed, showing John his pages and pages of notes. "And it only took me fourteen hours to narrow it down from 274 suspects to one! A bit longer than I had hoped, to be honest, but I'm absolutely sure-"

"Well who is it?!" John wanted to know. But before Sherlock could answer, the intercom sounded above them:

"Good morning students, I apologize for the early announcement. I need Sherlock Holmes and John Watson to report to the headmaster's office immediately! Holmes and Watson, to the headmaster's office!

"Fuck," Sherlock muttered, looking as if he knew exactly what was going on.

"What? What did we do?" John asked, completely baffled.

"You did nothing, John," said Sherlock with a sigh. Moriarty's plan was starting to make a lot more sense to him now. "Except associate yourself with me."


Sherlock waited by the door for John to get dressed, since he himself was still wearing his clothes from yesterday, and then the boys proceeded to their doom.

On the way there, John tried to get some answers out of Sherlock. "What the hell is going on?" He kept asking. "Why are we in trouble?"

But all Sherlock had to say was, "It's all apart of Moriarty's game, John. Just relax and let me do the talking."

But John did not relax; by the time they reached their destination, his heart was hammering in his chest and he felt like he was going to faint from anxiety.

"Calm down John," Sherlock whispered once they stood outside the door. "We'll be okay. I promise." Then, without thinking about it, he reached over and squeezed John's hand.

Then the boys entered the office, and it was only once he saw who was sitting there that John began to piece together what Sherlock had ages ago.

In one of the three chairs in front of the headmaster's desk sat none other than Viktor, their very first bully at this school. Only he was covered in cuts and bruises, and did not appear nearly as scary as he had months before. Probably because he looked so scared himself.

"Sit down, boys," the headmaster said, his face unreadable as he motioned the boys to the two remaining chairs. They sat, and Sherlock immediately started making deductions.

The headmaster was a short, round, and balding man named Mr. Harvey. Though Sherlock and probably two thirds of the student population were at least a head taller than him, he had a certain aura of intimidation about him, as well as a glare so frightening that even the school's biggest delinquents have been known to squirm under it.

Sherlock, however, was not the slightest bit intimidated as he sat himself in between Viktor and John. He knew exactly how this was going to go down.

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