chapter two

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On the day of the aptitude test, Moira woke early. It wasn't that she was nervous for her results - she knew she'd get Candor. It was just natural to be a bit on edge before a test.

She forced herself to stomach a piece of toast with butter and walked to school with her sister, Carolina, whom she normally dropped off at her classroom first. But this day was different. The final year kids would have shorter classes than all, as the aptitude test would be taken right after lunch. 

They didn't have time to dolly in the already crowded hallway as most were. It seemed as if Moira was the only one on a bit of edge. She had no reason to be, though. She should be relieved or excited. Everyone's excited. It feels like the last day of school. I guess, technically, it is. 

As happy as she should have been feeling, there was a punch that she was feeling in her tummy. She only felt it when something on the opposite of good might happen. Lost in thought, she was awoken when an Erudite boy pushed an Abnegation girl.

I should say something, but both of them were already walking away before she could form a sentence. The girl to the window and him somewhere else. There was no time to wonder however.

I had Faction History first thing in the morning. I quite like history. I just wish we knew more about life before the factions.

Most of the students in Faction History were Abnegation, making it easier for Moira to pay attention. If it were a ton of Candor or Dauntless in the class, she'd virtually learn nothing. That's one thing she appreciated about the Abnegation. She could always use them to her advantage when she felt selfish.

I usually feel bad for the Abnegation kids. Like, everyone knows that they're boring but to call them "Stiffs?" Kind of rude if you ask me.


Lunch was nothing new for the factioned youth. The students always sat together by faction for lunch. As this was their last lunch of the school life, they were given a longer time, and a treat for dessert.

"Hey, can I have your cookie?" Peter Hayes, the slut-bag, leaned over the lunch table to ask a kid in grey robes. See, use them to your advantage.

The kid who was bound to get Abnegation handed over his cookie, making Moira feel a bit bad. She'd done it before, but she knew Peter. He was only using a power imbalance. She wondered what faction he'd get. Hopefully not Candor. I cannot deal with him every day for the rest of my life.

Maybe I should give the kid my cookie? But Carolina snatched and unwrapped the chocolate dough for herself while the eldest girl's back was turned.

"You're such an asshole," The older and taller girl laughed. Her younger sister ignored her. Every one in Candor knew that Moira valued her little sister more than anyone in life. They always sat together for lunch. They always talked solely only to one another during lunch. It added a bit of mystique to the both of them, as everyone always knew what Candors were thinking - but those lunch periods were almost top secret.

"Are you nervous?" Carolina started picking at the pieces of chocolate inside of the cookie. She hated that part. I loved that part.

"Yeah. I don't know why though. I think I'm worried about growing up, honestly," Moira shoved her half eaten turkey sandwich to the side. She never liked meat that much. It felt cruel to be eating an animal, another living being. How would we like it if someone bigger than us were like, "hm, they taste good! I think I'll have more of that," and just started murdering us or raising us to be killed and eaten. Perhaps the factions are already doing that?

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