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The Sophomore Sleepover


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ALEXANDRIA DIAZ MISSED her bestfriend. The way she felt without his calls or his constant pestering just made her feel empty. So, she decided to go to the Sophomore Sleepover to just get over his dumbass and have fun with MAN not MANG.

She walked up to a table to pay admissions and Ellen immediately smiled. Alexandria fished her money out of her pocket as she arrived at the table.

"Hello, Alexandria. You just missed, Max." Ellen told her as Alex handed her the money.

"Oh, yeah. Max texted me." Alexandria replied blandly while Georgia eyed her. Maybe she noticed her from somewhere. Her brown eyes met Alex's and suddenly she felt obligated to say something to the teenager.

"You're one of Ginny's friends?" Georgia asked and Alexandria nodded with a smile. Although, that might not be entirely true, Alex didn't feel like talking badly about Ginny to her mother.

"Yeah, Ginny's cool." Alexandria replied while she played with one of the strings on her pajama bottoms.

"Have fun, Alexandria." Georgia said with a charming smile. Wow, Ginny's mother was really fucking beautiful. Alexandria couldn't help smiling back and walking into the school.

Georgia turned to Ellen with a curious expression. She wanted to a bit more about the girl Ginny had talked about. Ginny had seemed very indifferent toward the girl, but by the looks of her, at least, she seemed decent.

"She's your sons friend, right?" Georgia inquired and Ellen nodded tiredly recalling all the problems she had with Alexandria and Marcus acting like dumb kids.

"Since grade school." Ellen replied before sipping her coffee. Georgia nodded before Ellen continued since she'd obviously been bothered by something. It was Alexandria. "She hasn't been coming around lately. I think Marcus got into an argument with her though. She's a pain in the ass, but she brings him out of his funk.

"Shame. Seems like she's good for him." Georgia mumbled looking off into the distance. Maybe Ginny had fibbed a about Alexandria being a toxic side piece of his. Whatever it was, she knew Ginny had lied.

ALEXANDRIA IMMEDIATELY NOTICED her friends all dancing in the center of the gymnasium floor. She was quickly seen by Max. Alex smiled and danced over to her good friend along with the beat and Abby side hugged the dancing girl.

"Even in pajamas you look hot!" Max said over the music making Alexandria laugh. She swayed her hips to the beat and then Max gripped her hand.

"Wait, wait, wait. I have a great idea. Oh, my God. You're gonna love this.", Max bubbled before dragging Alexandria over to a photo booth with a smile.

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