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You had just returned from Essos, having made the decision to explore there for a year. "So, why are we going to Winterfell?" Logan, one of your commanders, asked "my father wants me to go, and you're going as well because I'm ordering it," you replied and he rolled his eyes.

Time skip

After about 2 weeks of riding, you arrived at Walder Frey's castle. And you saw the Baratheon and Lannisters had already arrived. "Alright, set up your camp," you said and rode to the keep.

You walked into the great hall and saw Walder Frey laughing while Robert sat beside him uncomfortable. "Ah! Y/n! What a pleasure it is to see you dear nephew," Jaime said as he walked over "likewise Uncle," you replied with a smile "is Frey being a creepy cunt as usual?" you asked "most likely, if he's able to make the king uncomfortable then he's sure gotten himself a new title," he said which made you chuckle "what? You're the Kingslayer, he's the Kingborer or some shit?" you replied and saw him frown. "How was your time in Essos?" Jaime asked "it was good, met a few people, learnt how to make wildfire, so that will likely come in handy," you replied "and I visited Old Valyria," that gave him a surprised look "find anything interesting?" he asked "only the method to the creation of Valyrian steel," you said which shocked him "now, I'm going to go have some food and wine," you stated and walked off.

You sat beside Cersei and she looked at you. "Nephew," she said "Your Grace," you replied "does your bed miss me?" you whispered in her ear, making her blush as you smirked, "it does," she muttered as she did her best to cover up the blushing. You kissed her cheek and started eating.

When you were done you and Cersei went to her chambers. Which was isolated from the others per her request.

"I've been waiting for this," Cersei whispered in your ear "I'm well aware, your letters made you out to be desperate," you replied and started to kiss her. You removed her dress and wrapped your arms around her waist. You practically threw her breast wraps across the room as you moved your hand in between her legs. You undressed and when your lips separated from Cersei's she looked you up and down. "You haven't been slacking off," she commented "what does that mean?" you asked "it means hurry up and get your cock out," she replied, you dropped your breeches and Cersei went on her knees. "Look at you, the queen, on your knees desperate for your nephew to fuck you senseless," you commented as she started kissing and stroking your cock "desperate for cum, like any common born slut," you said, Cersei looked up at you as she kissed your cock, "only yours," she replied and wrapped her lips around your shaft. She maintained eye contact even when she deepthroated you. You groaned in pleasure at the feeling of her tongue running along the bottom of your cock, and pushed her head down. You weren't impressed by her not being able to take your full dick, but you could deal with it for now. You started to thrust, gags left her mouth every time your cock hut the back of her throat. You put your other hand on her head and your thrusting sped up. You eventually pulled out of her mouth and Cersei stroked you a couple times as she caught her breath. "Do you wish to continue in bed my Lord?" Cersei asked "lead the way," you replied.

Time skip

You were now returning to Frey's keep, it was the next morning, before breakfast, and you were dragging back three stags and two cows. Alone. The soldiers who were already awake, and weren't part of your army, looked on shocked at your strength.

You arrived at the keep right as Robert was walking out. "Kill some good beasts?" he laughed "yep," you replied and walked passed him.

Time skip

After another two weeks the group arrived in Winterfell.

Once the king had said hello to Ned, and the pair went down to the crypts, you went to the training grounds with the Stark sons and ward.

You stood opposite them as you drew your sword. "Do you really think you can beat us Lannister? You're clearly outnumbered," Theon said "that's true, but you are clearly outmatched," you replied as about 10 of your men walked over. You had brought 200 with you while the rest remained at your castle. Which was on an island in the Sunset Sea, the entire thing being far larger and grander than even Harrenhaul. Much of which is due to Pythor needing a lot of space. Jon and Robb swung first but you quickly disarmed them. Theon charged at you but you easily kicked him down. You chuckled and reached your hands out to the two Starks, they took them and you pulled them up. While leaving Theon on the ground.

Time skip

You walked up to Cersei, the feast being in an hour, and kissed her forehead. "How are you enjoying Winterfell?" you asked, seeing no one was around you didn't care what happened, and you would kill anyone who saw, "I want to be back in the capital," she replied. "My keep could do with a beautiful blonde," you commented which made her raise an eyebrow "since when do you have a castle?" she asked "well I finished it a few months ago, things go quite smoothly when you have an army to help," you said "where is it?" Cersei asked "I haven't heard of any castles being built," "in the Sunset Sea, it's a group of islands I've connected. And the size of it makes Harrenhaul look like a windmill," you stated and saw shock in her eyes "you're lying," she argued "I'll show you. It'll only take a few days to arrive if we leave from Kings Landing," you said as you wrapped your arms around her waist "well if it's unable to be seen from Westeros and is as large as you say, then it'll take more than a few days," she argued "I got here within a week of being sent a raven, well, Tywin didn't exactly know where I was, but you know what I mean," you replied before kissing her lips. She moaned into the kiss and you grabbed her ass. "I love you," Cersei whispered "I love you too," you replied with a smile. You crashed your lips into hers again and started making out. "Now what kind of son ignores his father to go fuck his aunt?" you and Cersei pulled away from each other and looked at Tyrion "we weren't fucking," you argued "but you were going to," he said "tell anyone and I'll put your head on a spike myself," you warned "of course not, you're happy for once, I may not be celebrating it but it is what it is," he replied before walking off.

Y/n Lannister - Son of Tyrion | Male Reader X Game Of Thrones HaremWhere stories live. Discover now