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You were now on your massive flag ship, with the king, queen, princes and princess, many lords, horses, and around 6000 barrels of wine. While the other, smaller, ship had more horses, contestants, and a lot food. "Quite the fleet you must have if these are two of your ships," Tywin said as he walked up beside you "that I do," you replied as the fleet came over the horizon. The two ships were waving the Lannister banners on the sails, as was the fleet, so they weren't hostile at all. Also recognising the ships. You looked to Tywin who had a proud look on his face as he saw the largest and most powerful fleet in the world. "Even the Ironborn cunts would tremble at the sight of it," you commented "that they will," he replied "will?" you asked and he glanced at you. Joffrey practically ran over as the castle began to show itself behind the massive fleet. Half of which was on the other side of the volcano. Tywin then noticed the volcano, and the entrance to the core of it had a roaring lion statue. "You expect anything less from me Grandfather?" you asked smirking as he chuckled. 

When the fleet arrived, your commanders were waiting at the dock. "We've been awaiting your arrival Lord Y/n," Tristan, your right hand, said "so it would appear," you replied referring to the banners of the eight great houses. Targaryen obviously being the ninth, but wouldn't be flown. You didn't want a war on your hands. "Have the wine, food, and horses transported to their appropriate locations, now," you ordered "yes My Lord," one of the soldiers replied and they walked off. "You really like to go above and beyond, don't you Nephew?" Cersei said as she walked over "I'm a Lannister, I make sure it's the best or I don't do it at all," you replied which got another proud look from Tywin. But he frowned when he saw a large brothel. "Ah, Father," you said as he walked/waddled over "I'm sure you'll enjoy the whores, they're wilder than Dornish women," you said while covering the ears of Tommen and Myrcella "I'll be sure to go there," he replied with a grin. 

Time skip

You now stood on your balcony, with Cersei beside you. "How high up are we?" she asked "a few hundred meters, and the tallest tower is only half the size of the volcano," you replied "this place is grander than Casterly Rock and the Red Keep combined," she stated as you wrapped an arm around her waist "well, that was the idea," you replied and kissed her. She kissed back and moaned into the kiss. "I've discovered something over the last month," Cersei whispered "what?" you asked "I'm pregnant, with your child," she stated with a smile, not a manipulative, cocky or evil smile, but a genuine and affectionate one. One only you ever saw. "How do you know it's mine?" you asked "you're the only one I've let touch me in such a way in months," she replied and you smiled "I love you," you said "I love you too," Cersei replied and kissed you again.

Y/n Lannister - Son of Tyrion | Male Reader X Game Of Thrones HaremWhere stories live. Discover now