Chapter 23

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I wonder what's under her dressing gown.

That was my first thought when Iona's door swung open. I could see her legs were bare, her toenails painted a violet colour. Of course they were purple.

"Hey," I said, running a hand through my hair nervously. "Sorry I'm a bit later than planned; turns out I had a bit more to say to Martin than I thought."

I pressed a kiss to her soft cheek, my nerve endings prickling at the feeling of her velvety skin against my lips. "What happened?" She asked me.

So I gave a quick overview of our conversation. I left out why Martin had tried to wreck our potential relationship though. That could keep for another day. While I couldn't keep my hands off Iona for much longer.

"I said he could stay tonight but I never want him to come near this hotel again." I actually still couldn't believe how angry I'd been; I was never normally confrontational like that, even when provoked.

"But are you not worried he might leave you negative reviews everywhere?" She asked me, looking worried. Iona Stewart, the very reason for my bravery tonight.

And I snapped.

"Fuck that. I honestly couldn't care less at this point." I stepped towards her, tangling my hands inside her wild curls. "His lies cost me you. A bad review is never going to feel anywhere near as bad as losing you did."

And with that, I kissed her again. It was unbelievably sweet. Gentle.

Until it wasn't.

I snapped even further, and kissed her harder, pushing her up against the door, surrendering completely to my feelings. I was done with pretending; my guard was completely lowered. For good.

She responded with the same passion, and if I'd had any doubt at all at this point (which, for the record, I didn't), the return of that moan of hers would have convinced me that this was 100 percent reciprocated.

Laughing, I pulled her towards the bed. "I'm going to have to apologise in advance for what is probably going to happen," I managed to say.

"What do you mean?" She whispered. Her eyes were darker than usual, her lips soft and parted, and her face flushed. I had never wanted this girl more than I wanted her right now. And I had wanted her for a really long time.

So I told her that.

"I'm not sure I'm going to be able to hold back," I added.

"Good," she replied. "Because I don't want you to."

My legs practically gave out on me as I sank onto the bed, and reached for her dressing gown cord. I was nervous, and trembling with need, and absolutely bursting to unwrap this gift I'd by some miracle been finally given.

"Do it," she breathed, looking down at the cord too.

I pulled at it, revealing the present within. The lilac dress thing she was wearing took me closer, but not quite near enough. It was like the version of pass-the-parcel where the music stops, and you take off a layer of shiny gift-wrap to reveal . . . another layer of gift-wrap underneath.

She was killing me already, and I still had at least one more round of the game to go.

"Fuck." I rubbed at my face, trying to make a joke to calm myself down. "And here I thought you'd be wearing pyjamas with mice eating different types of cheese, or something equally ridiculous."

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