SEVEN. better safe although i am sorry

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    REMEMBER WHEN Nate and Nikki were making out in the Forman's basement? Remember how Rachel said she wasn't bothered? Remember when Nate and Rachel dated? Remember?

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REMEMBER WHEN Nate and Nikki were making out in the Forman's basement? Remember how Rachel said she wasn't bothered? Remember when Nate and Rachel dated? Remember?

On that day, the day Nate and Nikki were making out in the Forman's basement, Rachel had been staring at the two. It hadn't been noticed by anyone and Rachel only drew her eyes away from the couple when Joshua had called on her.

It was distraction for anyone to see two people making out, let alone your ex boyfriend and his girlfriend just a few feet away from you. A girlfriend he loved.

Rachel's relationship with Nate had been nothing like what his was with Nikki. It was very different and very public.

But Rachel wasn't jealous. If she were, she'd know. Joshua would know. She was just confused. Why wasn't her relationship with Nate like the one he had with Nikki? It was stupid. Rachel knew that people thought and acted differently, but why had she longed for relationship like she had with Nate?

"The Kool-Aid Man?" Ozzie questioned, "That's the tattoo you wanna get?"

Gwen smiled, "The key is to not overthink it."

"Mission accomplished."

After a moment of more tangents about tattoos, Gwen and Leia ran upstairs to shave pits and Ozzie, Nikki, Nate, and Rachel were left in the basement.

"Oh, I gotta take off to." Nikki said, "I'm meeting my SAT tutor in 20 minutes."

"Again with that guy?" Nate questioned, "But you're already so smart. You helped me escape from that trampoline."

"Babe, I need to ace the SATs, get into a good college, cure a disease, and have my face on a stamp so my enemies can lick it."

She smiled, kissing his cheek, and left the basement.

Nate sighed and turned towards the duo on the couch, "She's spending a lot of time with that tutor guy." He said and joined the two in the couch.

"Is someone feeling jealous?" Ozzie asked.

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