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I was sitting on my bed, replaying the conversation I had with Tae.

Tae, the nickname I had given him.

I had always wondered why God sent those people who were never meant to be with us.

“I know you still love me,” he said, and I stopped walking.

I hated the effect he had on me. Deep down, I knew I wasn't completely over him, but I had to move on.

“It's ridiculous of you to think that I still love a jerk like you,” I said and went back inside.

My parents and I hadn't spoken to each other since the meeting with KIMS. I wanted to call off this marriage. He was only marrying me for his own benefit. And what about his girlfriend? Weren't they in a relationship? Kathy was his type, so why didn't he ask her?

“Y/N, come downstairs for dinner,” my mom called from downstairs. I stood up and went out.

I saw my dad sitting at the head of the table and my mom on his right. I sat on his left, and dinner was served.

“Y/N,” my dad's low voice startled me, but neither of them noticed.

“Yes, Dad?” I asked.

“What do you think about getting married to Taehyung? He's perfect for you,” my dad said while looking in my direction.

I lost my appetite when he mentioned him. I couldn't meet my dad's intense gaze.

“Dad, I don't know him well. I don't want to take risks. What if we're not compatible?” I said quietly.

“Getting to know someone deeply doesn't matter. From what I've gathered, he seems like a good guy with good looks, personality, and they're millionaires too. He'll keep you happy,” my dad said. I nodded. I hated this so much that I had to surrender to him even if it wasn't good for me.

“But, Dad,” I said.

“No buts, Y/N. You should be grateful that you're getting a handsome and wealthy man like Taehyung to spend the rest of your life with. But here you are, complaining about it. Stop complaining. This marriage will happen, and you will marry him,” my dad snapped and stood up from his chair, pushing it back harshly.

“Yes, Dad,” I mumbled.

I looked at my mom, and she gave me a sympathetic look. I knew she wouldn't be able to utter a word against Dad on my behalf. But in the end, I have to obey him. So here I am, about to get married to my ex-boyfriend.


Everything was settled. My parents and his were happy. But I was not. Taehyung was relieved that I accepted.  He was relieved that after getting married to me, he would get his beloved company.

I was standing in a showroom, looking for a good wedding dress. Our wedding was two weeks away. Plenty of preparations, and especially choosing a wedding gown, was hectic.

Guess what? I wasn't about to waste a precious part of my life, which is married life, by getting married to a person whom I had the least interest in.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝚳𝚨𝐑𝐑𝐈𝚨𝐆𝐄// 𝐊𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now