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"Why did you cheat on me?" Wasn't I enough for you?" she asked all of a sudden, my back facing her as I was getting flashes of that time. I knew she wasn't in her senses, and it wasn't the right time to talk about it.

"Y/N, you need to sleep," I said emotionlessly.

"We need to talk about it, Taehyung. You know how much you've hurt me until now," she said, her voice cracking. The clicking sound of her heels told me she was walking towards me, and she was standing behind me.

Then, suddenly, she grabbed my arm and turned me around.

I looked into her teary, red eyes.

"You know what hurts? Getting hurt by the person you gave your everything to, only to be thrown away like a used tissue," she said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I loved you and still do, Taehyung. Please tell me where I lacked. In all these years, I've kept searching for it. Where did I fall short? Where did I fail to be with you? All I ever did was be there for you at your lowest," she said, more tears falling.

How naive of her. Did she genuinely not know, or was she a master at pretending?

"Oh, I get it. So, you cheated on me because I refused to be physical with you, is that it?" she said, letting out a sad chuckle as she took a few steps back. How desperately I wanted to shout at her and tell her the real reason, that she needed to stop hiding it.

"Tell me, Taehyung. I need to know because it's hurting me so badly. What was the reason for your cheating?" she asked, her teary eyes searching mine.

"You know what? I'm shocked that even drunk, you're still such a master at pretending. How cruel of you, Y/N," I said, and she looked at me with a hurt expression.

"This isn't the right time to talk. You're drunk and not in your right mind. Go to bed," I spat, ruffling my hair back in frustration.

"No, we need to talk now. I can't stand being ignored and treated harshly by you. What did I ever do to deserve this?" she asked, her voice laced with desperation. Her tone was a little angry, and her eyes were full of tears.

Her continuous enforcement made me so angry that I couldn't control myself.

I held her by her shoulders and jerked her toward me.

"Ow... Taehyung, you're hurting me," she winced in pain.

"You talk about hurting, right? Let me make everything clear, Y/N. The night I left you alone at dinner to help Kathy out... the next morning, I found out that you were with your best friend," I said, looking at her red eyes. How could I forget that time when she left me alone without even ending things with me when all I wanted were answers?

"You didn't talk to me after that. We didn't even see each other for a month... for one month. You never texted me or called me back. When I came to your home to check on you, I wasn't allowed to see you," I spat. She looked straight into my eyes, silently, with no words to say.

"Later on, Kathy told me that you were in a relationship with your best friend for the past month and that you were only with me because of my money and luxury," I spat in her face.

She said nothing but sadly chuckled.
"You know what, Taehyung? You never trusted me. We both made it clear that we would keep our best friends out of our relationship. When I was completely open with you, how could you believe that I was in a relationship with Kai?" she said.

Yes, we were very open in our relationship. Kai was her best friend, and Kathy was mine. We introduced our best friends to each other, and Kai, no matter what, supported us. Whereas Kathy did the same too.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝚳𝚨𝐑𝐑𝐈𝚨𝐆𝐄// 𝐊𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now