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How does it feel to get married to a man you love and reciprocate the same for you? Blissful right. Our relationship and love life has been a roller coaster after our break-up.

From Getting apart to getting back to a forced marriage arrangement. Then him hating and hurting me without knowing things. But after knowing everything, he came back again, realizing what he did wasn't right. He should have known both side stories first. Then me making him grovel. Playing hard to get until I crossed the bar and he met an accident.

My only motive was to make him realize what I dealt alone. If he didn't know, then he didn't have any right to hurt me. But I pushed him far away when all In the end I wanted to get together with him.

And here it is.

Getting married to that man finally. Our dreamy cringe hypothetical marriage which we used to dreamt about during our relationship time was happening. A good, simple and minimal wedding. Not like the one we thought.

Remember, every second chance isn't good, but some second chances are worth it.

If God keeps on sending that particular person back in your life, then it's either for reunion, like ours happening, or it is God's way of you making strong for that person. He keeps on sending people back to either teach you a lesson or to accept them back.

Wearing a cream color gown and holding a bouquet in my hand.

I walked down the aisle with my father. My and his parents came to America for our marriage. All the arrangements were done in two days. The marriage was compact and have only family members.

Excited, happy, nervous and ecstatic is what I am feeling.

“Ready y/n” my dad asked

“Yes dad” he said. He wasn't angry. He wasn't upset. He was proud that his daughter became a self-made model, and she is sensible enough to choose what is right and wrong for her. But my parents still don't know about my past with Taehyung. We are going to keep it a secret. His family too.

So the door was open and I and my dad walked down the aisle. I saw him standing at the end of the aisle In a black suit. My eyes darted at him.

My man looks so hot.

(A/n: So beautiful, so elegant, just looking like a wow)

He looks too handsome to handle. My choices in men are dope.

I was so into looking at him that I didn't saw he was wiping tears from his face.

He is crying.

Then it clicked me. He wanted me to come back in his life, and he is finally getting his wish come true. We both love each other and succeeded after so many obstacles.

Y/n you got a gem

I reached the end, and he stepped down to take my hand and help me stand on the small stage.

"Take care of daughter well this time, Taehyung. Second chances are rarely given" He said, and my eyes widened in shock. He simply nodded with a smile, and my dad patted my head.  I stepped up. I'm still processing, my dad knows everything.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝚳𝚨𝐑𝐑𝐈𝚨𝐆𝐄// 𝐊𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now