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I was getting ready for lunch with my in-laws in their mansion. Taehyung's earlier behavior was still stuck in my mind. My jaw ached because of his tight grip. If he cannot be  a good husband, the least he can do is behave kindly toward me. I know we both detest each other, but still, a little compassion would be appreciated. But I guess he loves to see my crying and fragile self now.

How worried he used to get when I cried in front of him back then. But now he loves it. From consoling me during my darkest moments to making my life a living hell. Time is indeed the greatest agent of change.

But It's okay, I will slowly and steadily make him taste his medicine.

I was wearing a knee-length, body-con dress with a slit on the right. I sprayed perfume on myself and checked my appearance one last time before leaving the room.

I went downstairs and saw him standing near the couch, engrossed in his phone. The clicking sound of my heels resonated, and his eyes shifted from his phone to me. I walked towards him, my gaze fixed on the floor. I avoided eye contact, but I could feel his intense stare on me. I continued walking until I stumbled and lost my balance.

I closed my eyes, bracing for the painful impact, but instead, my head collided with his chest. A distinctly masculine, spicy fragrance enveloped me. I lifted my head and opened my eyes, finding his face mere inches from mine. It had  been so long since I had looked at him this closely. His features were still the same—cute and endearing, with his moles and soft pink lips. He was still the same handsome man.

My heart pounded in my chest. His arm was wrapped around my waist, and we both remained locked in each other's gaze. I gently pushed his arms back and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"We should go. Otherwise, we'll be late," I said. He sighed, and we exited the house.


We both went inside the mansion. His hand slipped down my back, and it made me feel butterflies. I looked at him.

“Oh, my babies,” my mother-in-law said while coming toward towarde goes the fake lovey-dovey drama. I mentally rolled my eyes and faked a smile.  She came towards me, pulling me into a tight hug, and I saw Taehyung meeting his dad. She broke the hug, and I greeted my father-in-law too.

“So happy to see you both here. Now, let us head to the table. Lunch is served. We were waiting for you,” Mom said, and we all went to the table. If faking a smile were a competition, I would have won countless medals.

We all sat at the table. His dad in the head chair and his mom on his dad's left side, and we both sat next to each other on the right side.

“How is everything going between you?” Mom asked, and I found Tae looking at me.

“Everything is going well between us, Mom. We are having a good time with each other,” I lied.

Your son is being a total jerk.

“Glad to hear that,” Mom said happily while Dad was listening to us and passed both of us a smile.

“By the way, Y/N, you are looking so pale today. Aren't you taking care of yourself?” Mom asked.

“Yes, Y/N, you are looking a little weaker than before. Did something happen?” Dad also asked. Rather than getting a glare from Tae, I felt his left hand on my right thigh. His cold hand caressing my warm skin.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐃 𝚳𝚨𝐑𝐑𝐈𝚨𝐆𝐄// 𝐊𝐓𝐇 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now