(𝕚𝕚𝕚𝕚). 𝕚𝕟𝕧𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕓𝕝𝕖

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As I've mentioned before, it wasn't like you could avoid her existence completely. She was your classmate, so bump-in's were probably expected to happen.

However, you hadn't encountered her throughout the whole week, like, you had zero to none interactions with her.

It made you think about her more than usual, and you started to notice that recently the girl had been ignoring you.

And it wasn't just walking away every time she saw you, she pretended like you never existed. Like you were a ghost.

You were supposed to be happy, she was your mortal enemy, who you couldn't even stand, much less be in the same room together for a minute. If you were, you'd sit as far away from her as possible. Which you did.

It was this serious that everyone in your grade knew about your deep hatred for each other.

The girls in your class chatted about you all day long, and the boys took your side, not really understanding why everyone liked her. As T̶z̶u̶y̶u̶'s popularity rose, yours went spiraling down.

The thing is, you didn't care, so what if they made a few remarks about you or if you went down the social food chain? Instead, you were bothered, incredibly bothered by the fact she was avoiding you on purpose, as if you were a virus.

Even your 5th grader mind couldn't get what was happening.


Your POV -

My head slumped down the desk as I tried to stay awake. I wasn't able to get enough sleep last night, trying to complete all of my homework.

I didn't want to seem inferior to her, one wrong move and I'll lose. That's how it was.

Our homeroom teacher wasn't here yet, so I wasn't worried about anything, drifting away to sleep slowly.

Until, "She's here!" "Look at her shoes, it's the brand new (shoe product)!" "Daebak, she's so pretty!"

Murmurs echoed the room and soon enough, I found myself wide awake.

T̶z̶u̶y̶u̶ walked in. I braced myself for her usual side remarks, like she did every morning when she arrived. But to my surprise, she kept herself silent, sitting down in her seat quietly.

'What was happening?' This wasn't normal at all. I turned to the student next to me (who just so happened to be one of her close friends), mouthing the words "why is she acting like this..?" The girl, Yeh Shuhua, shrugged at me "I don't know, she's been acting weird the past week.." she mouthed back.

It wasn't new information, I knew that already.

I sighed, dropping my head on the desk once again.

Why wouldn't my braincells work when I needed it to? It wasn't expected but it wasn't unexpected either. The girl had been known for being cold to everyone, except close friends.

So much for being popular, I guess.


RINGG! The bell rang, meaning it was time for break. Everyone packed their things, rushing down to the cafeteria. It was often filled with students, though some chose to go outside.

I closed my notebook and organized my things. I was alone, or I thought I was, until I realized someone else was in the classroom with me. C̶h̶o̶u̶ ̶T̶z̶u̶y̶u̶.

My throat went dry.

Was I supposed to go up to her? Insult her? What, make fun of her? Or should I comfort her or ask how she was doing?

I stood still as if I were a statue. It wasn't like I didn't want to move, I couldn't move at all, not one arm or a leg.

T̶z̶u̶y̶u̶ stopped what she was doing, freezing the way I did as well. We were in the same position for quite a bit before she continued, walking to the door in a hurry right after.

I was able to move, so I bolted after her, holding her by the wrist as I caught up to her speed.

She didn't look back, only slid my hand off of her wrist, twisting her head slightly that I could see the faintest outline of her darkened pupils. Her face was blurred out, but her cold eyes were clear as day.

I couldn't tell what it was, it felt like she would waver the more she spent time looking right at me. What was it again? I remember that one quote, "eyes are to window to the soul" or it was something like that.

Though, at this exact moment, I could see right through her facade. For a second I forgot all about our rivalry, and actually looked at her like she was another person.

Four words came out of her mouth, including my name. "Save it, Nam Y/n."

That was it, she walked off. I stared at her baffled by her actions, still standing by the doorway.

I'm confused.

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