Chapter 6

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Soba: Forewarning, this story is a very rough draft. I plot as I write it out haha

Two days flew by while Lydia kept a low-profile, much to Asher and Maria's delight. The library and inn were the two places she frequented, the former where she spent most of her time holed up in a corner with any book she could find on the history of Meoria and Prophecies, which were practically none.

For an alcoholic and a noble's son, Christian was dumb, but there had to have been some truth to his words. She was sure the words he told about a prophecy were mixed up and never supposed to be spoken outside of their houses-or mansions, she should call them, let alone random people he just met.

The words blue flames were ones she's heard before, the first day she woke up here. The rest didn't make any sense to her. Stones and shadows in ruin could have meant anything, and the only oddity was the man who saved her that day in the library used shadows, getting rid of Thomas in the process. She hadn't seen either since that day. Otherwise, that was a coincidence, and she didn't want to rule it out by a long shot. Theron was still a mystery she had yet to solve, in more ways than one.

A whole lot of nothing was what she found in those two days too. She didn't expect to find much on the one from hundreds of years ago, but there wasn't squat on any kind of Prophecies, ever.

It felt like running into a brick wall when you thought you'd go through it after finding out the secret to pass through, but the secret she found wasn't the key to let her through. She was back to square one of finding out why everyone wanted her, and she for one, hated not knowing why.

Books were scattered in front of her. More consisted of The Spire of Kravae, as they seemed to have knowledge on magical properties before they went dark and didn't do much dealings with Meoria, except for the magic crystals, yet none of the books helped her find a clue on where to look.

She was ready to storm their tower, pound on their door and demand answers at the rate she was going.

Taking a deep breath in, holding it and letting it out, she calmed the fury that was caged inside her. Making an enemy of magicians wouldn't be a good thing, not when she didn't know a single one of them and if they could, or would, help her later on.

Slamming the book closed, she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples as she groaned in dissatisfaction.

"Prophecies... prophecies... what in the fuck!? It's always one problem after another without an answer to the first one. When I get my hands on Theron... I swear I'll...," she snarled out, not sure what she'd do to that man once she found him. It was a mix of wanting to strangling him or fucking him, maybe both at the same time. Except she wanted to be on the receiving end of his strangling.

"You horny, bitch. You need to get laid," she scolded herself out loud.

She was glad she chose a section within the library that no one frequented. Talking to herself would sure have people staring, but telling herself she needs to get fucked would make people glare at her and probably send someone to check her mental state.

Asher had been so busy with his work that by the time he got back, she was already asleep, and he ended up crawling into bed with her. They shared breakfast in the morning, before she left to get to the library early. They hadn't had time except for a few makeout sessions that added to the sexual tension when one of them had to leave, leaving an ache behind. She didn't want a quickie, not that he seemed to know what that was, as their first time, yet as the days passed, she was growing sexually frustrated and frustrated at the overall situation she was in. She needed release from one of them before she exploded with rage.

With nothing more to do at the library, she took out a few books, since no one knew her name, she was safe to use hers for now, to bring a couple back to the Inn with her.

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