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"Hey Paimon think's she waking up, look!" You slowly start to open your eyes as you soon to be facing a clear blue sky not a cloud in sight. Soon looking up something seemed to block your vision of the clear sky above. "Look shes awake!" A white haired fairy and a blonde haired boy we're looking down on you, as you where laying down on your back-side. "Are you okay?"

The blonde boy asked giving you his hand, You paused before you took his hand helping yourself up. You soon give yourself a minute to process what you we're seeing. "Uh.. I'm fine."  You though as your eyes widened in surprise. You soon saw a fuzzy tail the same color tone of your s/c. You looked all the way behind seeing a tail connected to your behind. 

You paused for a second before touching the top of your head feeling the rather soft and large cat ears naturally on your head. Your face grew to panic as your pupils became hazy. You sniffled quickly whipping your face before you cried. "Hey Paimon wonders why are you dressed so funny!"

"Well I'm not from here?..."

" Woah Aether Isn't that like the same thing that happened to you!"

"Yes it is.."

"Could you maybe explain what happened and what do you remember?" Aether asked as he looked up at you, his eyes started to observe you. "Well the thing is-"  You were cut off from the sound of a stomach rumbling. It wasn't yours nor Aether's , You slowly looked to your right giving the floating fairy the side eye." Why are you guys looking at me like that!" You now both gave the fairy a strong side eye. " Its not my fault you never stop to feed Paimon!" You heard a strong sigh as his dragged his hands down his face before speaking in disappointment.

"...Paimon.... We'll talk at Good Hunter"

"Hey would you maybe join us so we can maybe help you?" Aether said with a mid-lazy smile on his face. "Um.. Sure..."

♡ Time skip 

" She's So Pretty..."

You followed behind the white haired fairy as you noticed Aether's glance's at you. You didn't say anything about his constant staring. It was a little creepy in your eyes but you shook it off. As maybe in the world he's from hes never seen a person that looks such as yourself. All of you walk onto the bridge that lead to mondstadt. You saw the little boy named "timme" you gave him a glare before passing by.  

The three of you arrive inside of mondstadt as it was much larger in person. From how you would play the game mondstadt always seemed like a little small area, but face to face its pretty big. You gaze around the area with widened eyes, You stared in amazement "wowing" the area you were in. "Paimon want's Chicken Mushroom Skewer!

Aether sigh as he stepped ahead and went to the women at the Good Hunter stand . You cant seem to remember her name but you were enjoying the area not questioning anything. After about 10 minutes Aether came with 3 sticks of Chicken Mushroom Skewer. "Oh you didn't have too.." You looked at the man handing you the stick of meat and mushroom.

"No its my pleasure, Please eat" You accept the offer of the food but you were a picky eater and it didn't look too pleasing to eat. "Would you mind continuing of what you were saying earlier?"

"Huh oh I already forgot.. Sorry?" You said as you nervously smile at him. Aether had a tint of surprise on his face before he had a small smile on his face. "Oh no that's fine, We were talking about if you could explain what happened and what do you remember of how you ended up here?"

Your face looked up as you started to think of anything to trigger you waking up in a place like this. "Well I fell asleep in my bedroom and ended up here.." You took a bite out of the Skewer as it was bland and something you wouldn't eat again. "Oh thats to bad.."  The man mumbled rubbing his chin."Hey-i-feent-"

"Paimon please don't talk with your mouth full.." Aether said ashamed shaking his head at his partner "PAIMON KNOWS THAT! .. Anyways.. Aether isn't that what happened to you?!"

"Yes.. I've gotten separated with my sister.. So I'm on a mission looking for her"

"Hey your not alone ,I'm here too!"  The fairy shouted again causing your fluffy ears to go back a bit.

You could feel Aethers stare again but you clearly ignore it once more. You sat there for a few minutes thinking. You did just wake up out of no where in the Genshin impact world. And you have cat ears and a tail..  But you knew nothing on how to really survive here. "Maybe I could tag along with them?"

You thought to yourself before opening your mouth to speak.

"Hey if you guys would mind.... I would like to join you and help find your sister...?" You looked down not wanting to see there faces a little scared of what they might look like and or say. "Aether wont this be great having another person to help look for your sister!"

" Yes it would be nice for more help from the little you do Paimon" Aether said smugly looking at the fairy with many crumbs on her mouth  "HEY PAIMON TRYS THEIR BEST!"

" I haven't got your name yet? may i ask for it" Aether noticed how your mood slightly changed when you asked something as he wanted you to become relaxed.

"I'm Y/n" You said slightly looking into Aethers eyes. The both of you made eye contact as Aethers eyes seemed to shimmer in the sunlight before a nervous smile came onto his face"Y-yeah I would love for you to help me and Paimon look for my sister"

"Really? I will try my best not to be a burden.."

"Oh, I'm sure you won't be a burden..."