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Paimon and yourself both walked on the outskirts of Mondstadt. Aether was called on a task like  once more but this time it was to go around town to earn details about the knights and his sister.

Paimon floated over your shoulder providing you with shade as you walked into the short grass. Your legs and calf's begin to  start to get tired closing your eyes before walking into a log.  You quickly jumped in surprise before you sat down. 

"Hey Y/n whats that over there?" Paimon asked,  You groan in annoyance and look over to see something smoking, the grey smoke traveled up into the air as seconds later the area exploded.  Turning back to Paimon in the same neural expression on your face before speaking.

"Ignore it, doesn't concern us"

You stretched your back as your tail begin to swirl around, meow... You softly let out while rubbing your eyes. Soon as your arm reached into the air,  Paimon took your hand and dragged you over to area where she point at getting closer to the explosion. Dragging your feet on the grass rolling your eyes as a girl in a red dress was spoted.

There was a little girl there but she was turned around so you really couldn't make out her face. She turned around sensing the two of you behind her.  Paimon gasped as you were also in a bit of shocked but as before you didn't show it on your face. "Klee?! what are you doing out here?!" Paimon shouted in shock as she looked above a front to see what little girl was doing.

"Hi paimon! we better run or the bombs going to explode again!" The little blonde amber eyes looked at you as they shined in the glistening sun. She smiled and made eye contact before fastly waving then spoke. "OH I'm Klee, Mr. Albedo always tells me to introduce myself when I meet new people!"

 You blinked a few times before you can't help but smile at the smaller girl speech. "Hi Klee I'm Y/n.." Klee started to giggled menacingly. "We should run now the bombs ticking!~"

Klee started to run past as you instantly followed and ran behind her. Paimon screamed at the 2 of you as she flew behind you. As you ran farther soon the large bomb set off nearly 10 seconds after the 3 of you ran. 

The bomb set almost everything on fire, the trees lit fire along with the grass and following animals.. You panted loudly as you already tired from before now exhausted from all the running. "what?..the trees never caught fire before..." Paimon mumbled under her breathe and looked at you in a panic.

"Oh no!, Mr. Albedo's gonna be so mad that I'm going to be late for our lunch!, and setting the area on fire..."

(Albedo huh?)

You slowly start to form a smirk on your face but you quickly cleared it off your face."Well Klee we are lost ourselfs.. do you know the way back to montsant?"

" Nope... B-but I don't want to let Mr. albedo disappointed.."

You could hear her voice crack and soon noticed the faint tears coming from her eyes. You and Paimon begin the panic seeing Klee about to cry. "Ah no no, Klee its not your fault! Its only 11:30, We still have 30 minutes till noon!" 

 Paimon said trying to calm Klee from crying. "I think I know our way I kinda remember this tree" You looked around spotting for landmarks. "C'me on Klee i can carry you"

Klee smiled and removed her almost forming tears.  She placed her arms up as you picked her up under her arms. You sat her on your hip as your arm was around her for extra grip. She sat on her hips as her amber eyes glowed much more. so soft she mumbled looking at your tail in back of you.

 You carried her and started to walk, she was slightly heavy to you, though your physical strength was almost in the dirt so you wouldn't blame anyone else but yourself.


"Paimon you can fly you never walk"

"Oh right.."

You shook your head from Paimon's stupid-ness but you really had no room to talk. You fixed Klee that was on your hip as you walk even farther and Paimon started flying next to the both of you.

On the way back to mondstadt Klee was talking about her bombing many things and monsters by herself,  Paimon was slightly worried about who's giving her bombs but only shook her head. But you on the other hand giggled and joked saying you could maybe join her a few times.

"Y/nnn, Over heree at Good Hunter!"

Klee pointed with her small fingers as you struggled going up the stairs and reached good hunter to see blonde/greyish haired man waiting.


Klee shouted as she quickly as you put her down off your hip, You sighed in relief from the extra weight on you being off. Klee ran to him and he patted her head and smiled.

"Hello, Paimon who is this?"

Albedo asked looking at you up and down not showing a hint of interest at first .

"Oh!, this is Y/n! and shes from another world just like Aether!"

You mentally sighed and covered your fact holding your composer.

"Oh, I see Hello Y/n I am Albedo Chief Alchemist and Captain of the Investigation Team of the Knights of Favonius"

"U-um Hi?.."

You would always get a little awkward around new people as this person was, Albedo making one of your mains which made you even more nervous. "My , My Y/n you look so different from Aether"

"Would you mind if I touch you?"

" ... I don't... mind"  You said walking closer to him. Albedo let out a simple nod as he went over to your side touching your arms with his cold hands almost freezing hands. He slightly squeezing the fat on your arms.

"Mhm?, Y/n you seem to be much warmer then how a normal human should be, Maybe I could find out more about you?"

"Mr. Albedo you sly dog at least take her out to dinner~"