6- Who am I?

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Chapter 6

A/N: 1406 words enjoy!! <3

Newt's POV

"How do you know my name?" he stands up brushing the nonexistent dirt off his pants.

I feel his words echo in my head as I stare at him finally his words click and I fall to my knees crying softly nothing else matters "Tommy" I choke out "you don't remember me?" I stare at his beautifully confused face.

"No...should I?" he says. It's not his fault but what comes next wasn't even me.

"YOU PROMISED YOU BLOODY SHANK YOU PROMISED!" I yell at his being held back by Minho and Gally as I struggle to reach him.

You're scaring him Newt.

He doesn't want you why would he?

You're easy to forget A5.

Why don't you just die already?

He doesn't love you no one will ever love you.

He probably begged WICKED to make him forget.

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" I scream at the voices in my head crouching on the floor crying. "You promised Tommy..." I whisper before blacking out.

When I wake up in my bedroom in the homestead my eyes hurt from crying and my throat feels raw from the screaming. I look out the window the doors already closing meaning it's almost bonfire time. I drag myself out of the bed wincing as my hurt leg acts up again. I dread walking out there... I dread facing my Tommy. Your Tommy? You mean Thomas he used to be Tommy but he doesn't love you anymore remember?

"Where's Newt?" I hear as I leave the homestead.

Thomas's POV

"Where's Newt? I ask the brooding Minho beside me. Truth is I am absolutely terrified of him right now but as he said I promised and he was upset that I broke it which is reasonable...I feel bad every time I got even close to remembering him it's like my brain would shut off.

"Newt should be coming out soon Greenbean now slim it you're giving me a headache," Minho says with his hands on his hips "why do you care anyway?"

"Well he knew my name before I did that is all I guess" I lie shrugging. He's important to you idiot just remember! I look behind me to see the beautiful boy coming toward me. Beautiful?

"Heard you were looking for me Tommy," he says smirking at me. It feels familiar.

"I have questions about this place and I feel like you would know the answer" I pause and take a breath. Focus Thomas, it's not like the hottest man on earth is talking to you. "And actually tell me the answer to said questions." I look into his deep brown eyes getting lost in them I feel my face heating up.

"Like what?" he asks waving off Minho who rolls his eyes. God, I love his accent. I shake my head and focus on the questions I wanted to ask him.

"Uh-I-uh what's out there? Out of the Glade I mean" I say getting distracted by how attractive he looks in this light away from everyone with the bright bonfire casting shadows on his face.

"A maze" he pauses taking a noticed shuddering breath "a very difficult maze" he continues. Newt stops for a moment "hear that" he says pointing at his ear "that's the maze changing it changes every night"

"What do I have to do to go into it? I heard there are Runners?" I ask genuinely curious. Newt's expression hardens as he stares at the walls.

"Talk to Minho about that he's the keeper of the runners they map the bloody thing," he says glaring at me.

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