12- You're safe now Tommy

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Chapter 12

Thomas's POV

"Good night Newtie" I murmur sleepily into my fiance's neck as I feel myself drift off to sleep

*A few hours later*

I get out of bed gently to not wake up a still-sleeping Newt. I woke up at midnight exactly because I needed some water. I stop in my tracks as I see someone who is not Newt in my doorway. "Hello?" I dare ask the intimidating figure.

"Stiles" the man breathes stepping close to me. I look in the corner of my eye and see Newt having a nightmare too lost in his mind to wake up on his own.

"What are you here for," I ask moving into a protective stance and looking around for possible openings.

"I came to see if you were actually back Sti I missed you," He says moving even closer to me a sad smile showing on his face. He obviously meant something to me before but now I'm better than ever with my Newt soon-to-be husband.

"Well, I'm here?" I say raising an eyebrow. Before I have time to blink I feel his burning hot lips on mine roughly kissing me and pinning me against the wall. I struggle but it's to no avail I'm not entirely sure he can feel my struggle. Finally, he pulls away after he feels me go limp. I slide down to the floor crying and watch as he bends down to my level. As he wipes a tear away I feel my memory of him come back making me sob harder as I begin to push him away.

I love Newt and only Newt.

"Why," I ask pushing him away weekly.

"I thought you.." He says tears in his eyes.

"No, Derek...I moved on a long time ago" I take a deep breath "I moved on when we broke up before I got kidnapped" I glare at him feeling bad immediately afterward.

"W-who is that?" Derek asks moving his head toward my precious Newt and I stand pulling Newt's head into my lap and stroking his hair as Newt wakes up seeing Derek standing at the end of my bed.

"My fiance" I reply smiling down at the blonde.

"I'm sorry Stiles I just thought you still.." He says looking down. "I'm going to go now goodbye," he says jumping out the window and leaving my house.

"I'm okay Newt are you?" I say noting his worried expression.

"Yes," he croaks out moving to sit next to me. "Good night my Tommy" he whispers nuzzling himself into my arms.

Newt's POV

It's quiet for a while but I'm already certain he hasn't gone to sleep yet. "Tommy" I whisper getting tired of the silence. "Tommy I know you're not sleeping"

"Newt," Tommy says looking at me in the dim light of the moon. "Newt make me forget about everything I want you to take me...I love you Newt" He says a blush visible on his face.

"Tommy?" I whisper as he straddles my waist faces almost touching. "I love you too," I say before joining our lips in a love-filled kiss and filling our night with lots and lots of love.

don't you just love awkward hard to write momentssss

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