05. Caught in the act (Kind of fluff with a squeeze of lime)

584 6 2


Word count: 791


~Lots of making out

Originally published on:

Originally published on:1/23/23-~○~-

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Muliens mom jaw dropped in shock.

"Mu-mulien who is this? What the hell is going on?" His mom said in shock.

"Mom I thought you were working overtime today. Wha-"

"I did say that! look at the time it's fucking 10:16 pm."

Jerlin just continued to cuddle mulien while confused.

"Oh god..."

"answer my question! Who is this?!"

Jerlin looked up at him and said "well tell her."

Mulien sighed and came clean " Mom this is my boyfriend jerlin we've been dating for a few months now."

His mom was shocked at those words she didn't know what to say.

"I should probably go my mom is probably worried and its late."

"Yeah." Mulien and his mom both said.

Mulien, and Mulien's mom walked Jerlin out and waved him goodbye. His mom closed the door. Then looked at him with an angry face.

"I don't even know where to start with you. First of all you get detention at school, you've been dating this guy for months without telling me, and you let him into our house?"

"Look mom I can explain. I actually didn't get detention he was... helping me study for finals! Also I'm sorry for not telling you any of this. I swear mom he's a nice guy and I love him very much."

His mom was silent for a few minutes then finally spoke.

"I'm glad you've found yourself someone who you love son and he does seem nice, but please don't do that again. I'm gonna have to punish you for lying to me. No phone for a week."


"That's final now go to bed."


------ Timeskip -----

It was morning and Jerlin was frustrated. Mulien hadn't answered any of his text.

"I can't believe it. All 46 of my messages ignored. Maybe I should ignore him and see how he likes it."


Jerlin arrived at school. He saw Mulien and they locked eyes for a second. Jerlin immeadiately looked away and keep walking towards his class.

"Hmm? Why did he do that." Mulien thought.




Jerlin sat behind a bush and ate his lunch alone.

"Why the fuck am I doing this. I'm such an asshole, but why would he ignore me all of a sudden?"

Then, Justin showed up in front of him.

"Hey what are you doing here dude?"

"Uh nothing just thinking."

"Your boyfriend has been looking everywhere for you ."

"Wait... really?"

"Uh YEAH DUH he's your boyfriend! He's been really sad lately like not himself. I think he ran to go cry in the bathroom."

"What so he's in the bathroom right now?" 

"Yeah. I don't know what you did but you better go fix it right the fuck now."

Jerlin didn't say anything. He just ran as fast as he could to the boys bathroom. He heard Mulien alone crying in a stall. He knocked on the stall.

"Hey babe you alright?"

"What do you think asshole!" Mulien said while crying and sniffling.

"Hey, I'm so sorry for ignoring you okay. I know it was a dick move. It's just you ignored me last night when I tried to text you and... I got mad. I should've talked to you about it instead of being a piece of shit. I promise I'll never ignore you again. You mean so much to me and It hurts me to hear you cry like this. Please forgive me Mulien."

Mulien opened the bathroom door, grabbed him, and squeezed him real tight. He then lifted his head a little to speak clearly.

"My mom took away my phone. That's why I couldn't talk to you stupid."

"Oh I see. Again I'm so-"

Mulien kissed him passionately, then stopped and said.

"I forgive you."

Jerlin just smiled and they stared into each other's eyes for minute. They then playfully kissed each other back and forth. Then the kisses turned hot. Jerlin slid his tongue into Mulien's and Mulien did the same. They then fought for dominance with their tongues for a couple of minutes until they were panting.

"Aggh when does lunch end?" Jerlin said.

"I don't know but I never want it to end."

Jerlin smiled and began to attack his neck with licks, bites, and kisses. Mulien tried his best not to moan. They then stopped and laughed at each other. They  left the stall and began to take a walk around the campus chatting about random topics.

"I think they made up" Justin said looking at them.

"Yeah it looks like it" says Ophelia.

The bell rang and it was time for their fifth period, Spanish.


THANK YOU FOR READING! This one was short I know but still pretty awesome! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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