Task 2

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The sky is a beautiful blue through the huge windows of the Erudite library. I am supposed to be researching for the presentation I have to give my parents, but I really just want to go outside and play. Every other week my parents make me do research and present it to them, forcing me to study. This week's is on some disease that has been infecting the factionless and the risk of it spreading to each of the factions.
I keep looking out the window and seeing all the kids from the other factions and even some from Erudite playing in the grass. I wish I could be out there playing too. I keep staring out the window as I come up with my scheme.

My mom is the lucky parent that gets to "guard" me and make sure that I keep studying. She sits there watching me with her hawk-like eyes trying to catch me distracted. So I stare at my book and continue thinking about ways to sneak past her. Suddenly, I have an idea, in one of the books I studied for a previous project there was a map of the whole Erudite compound. I go looking for the book and sure enough I find it and open to page 94. I look and notice all these strange lines and squares on the map, so naturally I look it up to see what they mean. I quickly discover that they represent the air ducts and vents in the system. I notice that one in the far corner of the library is hidden next to one of the shelves. I get up pretending to be absorbed in my research and walk over to the shelf. I scamper up the bookshelves easily since I used to climb them when I was bored. I crawl through the maze of air ducts until I reach one that is almost a straight drop. I hang over the side and drop, I fall for a few feet until I hit the bottom with a thud. From here I can see the light from the vent leading outside, I crawl as fast as I can towards the light signifying my temporary freedom.

As I break free of the Erudite compound I take off running towards the other children. I notice someone start running next to me after a few minutes. We keep running till we are almost to the other side of the grass. When I stop to breathe I look over to see a girl about my age laughing at me. She has shoulder length brownish blonde hair and is wearing black from head to toe, obviously a Dauntless.
"Hi, I'm Natalie Thorne." She states in an official way.
"I'm Lacey." I try to sound serious, but we both burst with laughter.
"Why were you running?" She asks.
So I sum up the story of my great escape, and she responds, "Erudite, right?"
"Yea, I hate studying all the time and I wanted to enjoy the pretty day."
"Well, how do you feel about having a little fun?" She asks with a sly grin.

I love Natalie's idea of fun! She knows of a place where we can hide out and have a spend the night party. We spend the rest of afternoon sneaking supplies out of Dauntless headquarters. When we got the supplies ready we set up our beds and as we talk I begin to get to know my new best friend.

My eyes flutter open the morning after the choosing ceremony, and I smile at the memory of happiness my dream gave me in a time of such stress.

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