Task 7

7 1 0

There is a big tree in the middle of the apple orchard that is perfect to climb and hide in. I can easily climb it, and the leaves provide a perfect place to hide. The apples make for a good snack while I'm thinking too.

After the watermelon incident, I couldn't run fast enough to my hiding place. As I climb up to the highest branch that would hold me, my mind wanders back to my choosing ceremony. I can't help but feel that I made the wrong decision. My divergence is not Amity, so why would I decide to go against myself and choose it? I'm so close to not passing initiation that I have to consider what would happen if I become Factionless. I can't help but wonder how I thought joining Amity was a good idea, I mean being Dauntless and Erudite make it very difficult to be peaceful. I just have to wait and see how the hunt for Divergents continues, after all that is the reason why I chose Amity.

I begin to climb down the tree thinking that for now I must have made the right decision, nothing bad has happened anyways. I laugh to myself as I think about how crazy and jumbled up my thoughts have been, if someone was reading them I would probably sound crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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