Task 1

53 6 1

I am exempt from this task, but I decided to write it anyways :)

I woke up and as reality came into focus my stomach began to twist into knots. Today was the day of the test that would help me determine my future. I was full of nerves just like anyone else would be, but if had an extra sense of dread.
On the way to take my Aptitude Test my dream played over and over in my head. I watched as I lay in the chair during the stimulation, and as I woke up I saw the confusion on the abnegation woman's face as she realized that the test didn't make any sense. As the scene continues to play through my head, I arrive and wait nervously for my turn to take the test.

"Lacey Elvin," is finally called and I walk into the room with the abnegation woman who directs me to sit in the chair and hold out my arm. She injects me with the stimulation and everything slowly fades to black...

When I come to, I'm in this small room (basically a dressing room), the door is locked so I begin to look around sure that something here must have to do with the test. The room has a small chair, some hanging clothes, and a mirror. I shift around so that I can see myself and as I look at my reflection, I fall through the mirror. I land in the street where I watch as a poor starving child steals a snack from the store next to me, I look down the street as the alarm goes off in the store,and I watch as two police come running. When they reach the store they ask me if I had seen the thief. I picture the starving factionless girl and tell them that I couldn't see who it was before they ran away. The next thing I know I'm sitting in a classroom as a teacher passes around a test, I'm not nervous at all. When she hands me the paper I look down and find myself in my parents house, confused I turn and am slapped across the face by my dad. Without thinking I grab his arm and twist it behind his back, pinning him against the wall. I fall forward and jump out of the chair, my test is finished.

I look to the abnegation woman and notice that her face is a mask of confusion. I watch as my dream plays out in real life, she stares at me stocked, "This can't be possible, I have never had a test that left me with more than one faction." I ask to see the results and my face falls when I see that I'm a divergent, I'm the very thing that my parents are trying to destroy. I run out the door not caring what she does with the results, my parents will probably find out anyways.

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