Task 4

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As many of the Amity teens gathered for some games, several of us decide to play Candor/Dauntless. The game basically consists of a group of people sitting in a circle, who choose between telling everyone the truth when asked a question or doing a crazy stunt that someone comes up with. Almost everyone in our group was Amity born and raised who had decided to stick with their faction. As we went around the circle, everyone had chosen Candor because apparently telling the truth is more peaceful than taking a challenge. So since I was feeling particularly Dauntless and wanting to stick out a little, when asked, I reply "Dauntless." A series of gasps sound from all over the room, then one of the transfers from Dauntless says, "I got this." They pause for a second to think then give me my challenge.
"Sneak into the Amity storeroom and steal us all a watermelon."
"So I have to steal one watermelon for us to eat?" I ask thinking how easy it would be, when she says, "No, you have to get each of us our own watermelon."
All five of them look at me expecting me to back down and lose the dare. I surprise both them and myself by saying, "Six watermelons coming right up." and begin to sneak towards the storeroom.

I get into the storeroom and walk to the pile of watermelons. I find three small ones and carry them back. Then I come back for the next few, only to find that I can only carry two back because all the ones left are so big. So I tell myself that it's not a big deal and head back to the storeroom for the last watermelon and as I pull one from the stack, the whole thing falls over with a crash! I put a few back on the stack and hear voices coming my way. I get scared and sprint back to the rest of the group. I get there and we continue the game all eating watermelon, but the every now and then I can't help but look over my shoulder expecting someone to come and kick me out of Amity to become Factionless.

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