Chapter Seventeen

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It was mid night when I felt a finger poking me in the side. I rubbed my hands over my eyes and groaned.

“Warner, stop…I’m trying to sleep.” I murmured, cuddling up to him. But I only heard his slow breathing. I opened my eyes and saw he was asleep.

“Aspen, over here…” I turned to find Henry and Zeke at the side of my bed. I jumped a little, kind of surprised.

“Oh…hey. What are you doing? It’s like three in the morning.” I muttered, moving away from Warner so he wouldn’t wake up.

“C’mere, we’ve got a plan…” Henry said then popped his eyebrows. I sighed. This could not be good. I slowly lifted the covers and crawled out of bed and followed them into the game room where Ross and Lark were sitting and conversing. She, of course, was all over him. What a prostitute. Man, I just could not get over that. And besides, why was River even with a prostitute? He didn’t need to pay a girl to sleep with him, he’s hot. Tons of girls would willingly do it no charge. Actually, girls would pay him. Um…not that I’ve thought about it.

“So, exactly what is our plan?” I said crossing my arms over my chest. It was a bit chilly during night time. My white t-shirt wasn’t doing me any justice for the cold.

“We’re going to prank River and Warner.” Zeke said then giggled like a little girl. Weird.

“Why them? River hasn’t done anything to you guys…” I muttered. They all gave me weird looks, especially Lark. She rolled her eyes and scuffed. I grimaced.

“Well, because during our little game today, they were cheap shotting us. Henry just so happened to overhear our conversation so he got out of the pranking…this time.” Ross said, standing up and wrapping an arm around Zeke and Henry. Lark stood up and wrapped her arm around Zeke and giggled.

“I love pranking people.” She said then winked at Zeke. Ew, gag. PROSTITUE.

“So exactly what are we doing to them?” I asked. Suddenly Henry disappeared then reappeared with whipped cream, sharpies, and swiss cake rolls, which I brought…what a waste.

“Hey, those are mine!” I whined and reached towards my cakes. Henry pulled them away and put a finger on my lips.

“Shhh…they’re mine now.” He said then patted my head. I pouted then sighed. Boys…

First, we went into Warner and I’s room. Henry opened up a packet of swiss cake rolls and stuck them in Warner’s mouth. I was slightly mad that my treats were being wasted, but I had to admit, this was pretty funny. Next, Zeke took the whipped cream and sprayed it on his hands, feet, and neck. Poor Warner, he would not be one happy camper in the morning. Lastly, Ross took the sharpie and drew all over his face. He wrote cuss words, I love Aspen, and a picture of a penis. Lark and I stood back and giggled at the boys’ immaturity.

“Alright, I say Warner was a success. Next, River! Girls, you want to do it this time?” Henry said as I raised my eyebrow. Oh this should be interesting. Lark giggled then took the cake rolls from Henry and skipped into the living room, where River was sleeping peacefully on the couch. She quickly stuffed them in his mouth and smiled. She was so…happy. It was irritating. Ross handed Lark the sharpie and she went off to writing stuff all over his face. She drew a picture of boobs, an American flag and she too wrote I love Aspen on his forehead. I rolled my eyes, trying to act cool. I sighed when she winked at me.

“Will ya do the honors Aspen?” Zeke said, handing me the whipped cream. I took the whipped cream and walked up to where River was on the couch. Swiss cake rolls in his mouth, and ridiculous stuff plastered all over his face. I grimaced, tempted to just leave him be, but the boys were pressuring me. I sighed, taking off the cap and bending down on my knees to get closer. I sprayed his hands, feet, and his belly since he slept without a shirt on. I was almost done when they told me to get his neck. I sighed, turned around and began spraying his neck. I hovered my head over him to make sure I didn’t get any of the pillows. Suddenly, I felt a hand push the back of my head, causing my face to squish into his neck. I heard the guys and Lark laughing, only to lift my head and find River smiling at me.

“Aspen you dirty girl, you.” He muttered then popped his eyebrow. I blinked, only to be blinded by the layer of whip cream on my face. The laughter behind me erupted. I opened my mouth and turned to River as he leaned forward and licked my nose.

“River!” I squealed as he jumped up, only to slip and fall on top of me, causing my head to hit the floor. The giggles intensified, causing Henry and Zeke to fall to the floor laughing. I rubbed the back on my head and groaned.

“Well this backfired.” I muttered, causing River to laugh. I looked down to find our chest pressed against each other and all of the whipped cream that was on his torso, was now on me and my white shirt. Gosh, this was so awkward.

“River, you’re hurting me…and you’re making me wet and sticky.” I whispered, so the rest of the boys and Lark wouldn’t hear the slightly sexual comment. River raised his eyebrow.

“Am I now? I do have that effect on women…” He said then kissed my nose. I rolled my eyes as he climbed off me and sat on the couch. I sat up and rubbed my head again. I bet I looked nice. Covered in whipped cream and all.

“Oh you all are very funny…” We all turned towards the hallway to see Warner standing in his red boxers, white tank top, all the sharpie art and all the whipped cream all over his body.

“Hey, I knew you’d at least enjoy that we covered you in food, didn’t I now?” Henry said then winked. Warner shook his head smiling then ran after him. Henry grabbed me and threw me at Warner, causing me to get even more covered in whipped cream. The heck.

“Aww, Aspen, did they get you too? My poor baby.” Warner cooed in my ear and squeezed me as tight as possible, smoothering me in whipped cream. I heaved and put my hands on his waist and squeezed him back.

“Can I join?” River said from behind me. Suddenly, Warner and I were being lifted in the air, and my back was then submerged with whipped cream and another body to squeeze the air out of me with.

“Guys…can’t…breathe…” I managed to get out before they let go of me. I fell to the floor causing everyone to erupt in a fit of laughter. I pouted and crossed my arms. Why do I feel like I’m the one that got pranked?


hello everyone! So, i'm think about ending this story around chapter thirty/thirty five-ish? I can't really think of a lot of stuff else to happen. So, if you have ideas, please feel free to throw them out there!

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