2 - I Heal A Godly Escaped Convict And Mentally Info-Dump

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Leo looked back and forth between Apollo and the twins with raised eyebrows. "Dad?"

"Yeah, he's our dad," Pat said. He began to sing, "You are my dad —"

A brick fell from the rafters, landing two inches away from his foot.

"Even the Waystation is asking you to stop," Via told him. "Scootch your bootch." She pushed past him as the infirmary appeared. It looked as it normally did: a fully stocked supply cabinet with medicine, surgical tools, and potion ingredients; a hospital bed with built-in monitors, GCI interface, and levitating bariatric slings. Racks of healing herbs dried against the wall next to the portable MRI machine. And in the back corner, a glassed-in habitat seethed with poisonous snakes.

"Oh, my," Apollo marveled. "Your med bay is cutting-edge."

"Yes," Emmie agreed. "And the Waystation is telling us Via should treat your friend immediately."

Leo poked his head into the infirmary. "You mean this room just appeared here?"

"No," Emmie said. "Well, yes. It's always here, but...it's easier to find when we need it."

Leo nodded thoughtfully. "You think the Waystation could organize my sock drawer?"

A second brick fell from the ceiling and clunked at Leo's feet.

"That's a no," Via interpreted. "Now, if you'll excuse me... Injured patient. Must heal."

"Uh..." Leo pointed to the glass habitat. "You got snakes in there. Just saying."

"I'll take good care of Calypso," Via promised. "Healing people is my thing."

"It's her thing," Pat agreed.

"You guys go ahead and find Jo," Via said, carrying Calypso into the med bay. "I'll heal her."

No longer concerning herself with the people who weren't hurt, she lay Calypso down on one of the beds. She'd been able to read her heartbeat, so she knew that it was steady, but the fractured bones would take a while to deal with. She'd need an x-ray to see what she was doing. She grabbed her special glasses from her medical bag. Jo and Pat had made them for her; they were more efficient and more effective than any x-ray or MRI machine. Switching them to X-ray mode, she started with Calypso's hand.

The phalanges could be put back into place, and the fracture wasn't serious enough for a full-arm cast. the metacarpals would eventually heal themselves; the best thing Via could do at the moment was to give Calypso nectar and ambrosia. As for her ankle, she could easily pop it back into place, splint it, and allow ambrosia and nectar to do its job there, too.

Via exhaled in relief. This was more easily treatable than she'd originally thought.

For someone who hated danger as much as Via did, she sure did find herself in a lot of it.

Camp Half-Blood was supposed to be a safe place for her Pat. A monster-free camp with free food where you were trained to survive and encouraged to develop skills for the mortal world? That sounded ideal. That sounded safe.

And for a while, it was. She'd wake up every day in the Apollo cabin with Pat in the bunk next to her and her several half-siblings in their own bunks around the room. She'd get to eat whatever she wanted for breakfast, as all she had to do was ask her plate for food and it would give it to her. Then she'd take archery class with Pat, help out in the infirmary with Will, and in the evenings, jam out with all of her siblings at the campfire.

But when Luke Castellan decided he wanted more from the gods than what they were giving and betrayed the camp, things quickly changed. Until Percy Jackson found the Golden Fleece and healed Thalia's tree, camp was constantly invaded by nearby monsters. Then, a couple of years later, monsters flooded into Camp through an entrance to the Labyrinth and launched a full-scale battle, taking a few of her half-siblings with it. She lost even more in the Battle of Manhattan, and she almost died herself.

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