37 - We Do Cute Couple-y Shit

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Before Via, Pat, and Leo left for Texas that week, the twins decided to dedicate their early mornings to practicing swordplay and dagger skills. If they were going to be on the road again and came face-to-face with more of Lamia's allies, they needed to be able to wield more short-range weapons. They worked with Sherman Yang and Annabeth on this privately.

Via felt very much like a fish out of water with these new weapons. There was a reason she and Pat favored projectile weapons. The swords Via used were too heavy and made her feel off-balance, but the daggers made her nervous because in order for them to be effective, she had to get up close to her opponent.

"What if I just throw them?" Via asked Annabeth after losing to her for what felt like the billionth time.

"You're thinking of throwing knives. Those are much smaller, and they're technically projectiles, so you'd have to put some distance between yourself and your opponent for them to be affective."

Via slumped. "Great."

"You know, you're not supposed to beat me," Annabeth said, giving Via an encouraging smile. "I've been training with knives for over ten years, since I was seven. The idea here isn't to beat me, it's to learn how to defend yourself properly."

"I highly doubt I could do either of those," Via said dryly. "Fighting with a dagger... it's a little too close for comfort. But then a sword is too heavy..."

"In that case, the problem might be that you're using the wrong weapon," Annabeth said. "Okay, let's leave it here for today. Tomorrow we can go look at the armory and the shed behind Cabin 6 for a good weapon for you. Maybe dual short swords? They're light and still allow you some distance between you and your opponent."

"Okay," Via said. That sounded like the best of both worlds. "Well, I guess I'll go help Pat pack."

"Are you going on Festus?" Annabeth asked as they began putting the mats, weapons, and other equipment away.

"We're still figuring that out," Via said, folding up a mat. "I think we're gonna put Festus in suitcase mode and go in Pat's truck."

"Hey, dipshit," Pat's voice came from the entrance of the training arena. He waved as he entered with Sherman Yang. Via flipped him off in response. "That's not very nice of you."

"Don't worry about putting the equipment away," Sherman said. "We were gonna watch you both for a bit, then start after you left. Why'd you finish early, anyway?"

"We weren't making much progress," Annabeth said, hip-bumping Via as she added, "Someone's a bit of perfectionist."

Via rolled her eyes. "How can I not be when I'm going up against the most skilled fighter at camp? It's just hard. I'm not used to close-range fighting."

"I think the problem is also the weapon," Annabeth told Sherman. "Sword's too big and awkward for her, and she's too uncomfortable with a knife."

"What about a dagger?" Sherman suggested. "Or maybe dual short swords?"

Annabeth nodded. "That's what I was thinking."

Sherman thought for a bit, then pointed at me. "I think I have an idea. Gimme five minutes to go grab them. Annabeth, could you help Pat warm up?"


"Oh shit, I'm doomed," Pat muttered. Via and Annabeth exchanged an amused look as the two squared up. Pat hefted his sword — it was a weird, curvy-looking sword that looked like the kind the Dothraki used in Game of Thrones.

"A falcata, nice," Annabeth commented. "Can I see?" Pat handed it over to her and she studied it. "Pre-Roman Iberian, almost exactly like a Greek kopis."

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