Tom's Point Of View.

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He stares in the mirror, analyzing his body with a sigh. His fingers travel up the sides of his torso. "Just a fucking joke." He whispers coldly. Music plays softly in the background, U2, one of his favorite bands, that he plays constantly and his parents tells him to turn it down. Staring in the mirror is one of his mistakes, he knows he shouldn't look in it, but he does anyway, maybe to feel sorry for himself? Or to point out more flaws? He doesn't really knows himself, maybe he just wants to feel something more than sadness, maybe if he stares long enough at himself, he could point out some positive things? So many maybe's that he can't solve himself.

He sighs one last time before walking away from the body size mirror that his Mother bought him a couple of years ago, it's covered in pink sparkly nail polish across the sides, and some stickers. He looks at his room, posters of bands that covers his bright pink walls, his bed is pure black with books across it. Something he loves to do to escape his mind and family is to read, especially about UFOs, it's something he got into at the age of seven when he was in the library and his teacher said to grab any book to entertain him for the next a couple of minutes. As he searched he thought it would be funny to read about aliens, but he didn't know that he would actually get into the strange subject. 

He picks up a black tank-top off the floor and puts it on. Rubbing his hands against the cloth to remove any wrinkles, it's one of his habits from his mother, she does it about twenty times a day since he was younger, and he picked up on it. Talking about his Mother, she bangs on his door, calling for him. 

"Hold on!" He calls back. He hurries and tries to find his sweater and his hat, which they lie on his bed where he put them last. He puts on the black baggy and two sizes too big, sweater, than he puts on his orange hat backwards. He opens the door, showing his mother with her arms crossed, looking out the window. She looks at him, and immediately rolls her eyes. "What?" He asks.

She sighs. "We have a guest downstairs, I told you about this yesterday." 

"Yeah I know, I'm dressed can't you see?" He points to his outfit like she's stupid.

"Thomia that isn't a proper outfit to meet a guest, since you don't want to dress proper, I guess I have to treat you like you're five and pick out your outfit for you." She pushes him out of her way and enters his room. 

"Mom! This is my room!" He yells behind her. "Mom that's my music! I was listening to it." He yells when she shuts off his record player, making the room silent.

"It's not the music I raised you with, I don't know where you get your attitude or how you dress or act or listen to, but it will not be tolerated in this household." She says as she makes her way into his closet. She pulls out a type of clothing that makes him shiver, makes him frown even more. "Put this on." She orders.

"I'm not wearing this." He tells her.

"Excuse me? I am your mother, and you will listen." She says as she takes off his hat and throws it on his bed.

"My hat!" He yells looking back at his orange hat that got thrown like it's a rag doll. He looks back at her. "I will listen, unless it's this. I am not wearing this." He tells her with anger in his sad little eyes.

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