𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹

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Over the next few days (y/n) had trained Shu so that he could bake everything needed on a usual day at the bakery. The two of them worked in a comfortable silence with the sound of music in the background. (Y/n) began to hum along quietly when the song change to one of their favourites.

"Is that Yugo Asuma?" Shu asked upon recognising the voice of the singer. He was pretty famous and had been gaining popularity recently so most people would recognise his voice.

"Mhm~ he's my favourite singer, I'd love to go to one of his concerts one day." (Y/n) continued humming and singing the lyrics while bobbing their head to the beat of the music. The sight of it was cute and Shu couldn't help but smile at them.

"Well if that's the case then why don't we go?" Shu said. (Y/n)'s eyes shot up to meet his and they didn't have to say anything for him to understand. "Yeah I know it's sudden but he's got a tour soon right? Surely we'd be able to get some tickets for it. Oh and if you have any friends that also like Yugo then we can invite them as well."

(Y/n) bit their lip to hide the huge grin threatening to spread across their face. "I guess we'll have to ask Luca for some time off then."

"Time off for what?" Luca said as he stood in the doorway, his entrance had been silent so neither of them had noticed him arrive.

"Holy shit you scared me Luca, when did you get here?" (Y/n) said while they recovered from the slight jump from Luca suddenly appearing behind them.

"Just a second ago," He replied nonchalantly. "So what's the super important thing you'd need time off for?"

"We're discussing going to a concert, specifically Yugo Asuma's," Shu explained, not stopping his work even while he spoke "we might need a day or two off to go to it though."

Luca smiled and said "well since the two of you have worked so hard there's no way I can say no but there's one condition," upon hearing that both (y/n) and Shu exchanged a glance before nodding at Luca "you have to bring me along with you."

(Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief "jeez don't scare me like that I thought you'd say we'd have to work extra hours or something."

"Nah you work hard enough as it is (y/n), you deserve a break and besides, I haven't been to a concert in a while and I like his music so why wouldn't I want to come?" He explained "were you planning on inviting anyone else or were you gonna go with it being just the two of you?"

"I did mention inviting other people, but I wouldn't know who to invite," Shu explained.

"I see, how about inviting Ike then." Luca suggested.

"Exactly what I was thinking, he'd never pass up on an opportunity to go to a concert."

The three of them excitedly made plans for what they wanted to do on their upcoming outing and (y/n) and Shu decided to go to the cafe where Ike works before getting the train the next day.

-:-..☯︎ ..-:-

(Y/n) rubbed their hands together as they walked side by side with Shu down the street "I wish it would just warm up already, I hate it being so cold at night." They said through chattering teeth.

"I think it'll be a while until it gets any warmer," Shu said as he copied their action and began to rub his hands "let's hurry up so we can get a warm drink." Shu grabbed (y/n)'s wrist and pulled them along as he ran down the street, they let out a startled shreek but didn't try to pull away.

When the two of them arrived at the cafe and opened the door the familiar ring of the bell signalled their arrival but unlike usual, Ike didn't instantly turn to greet them. Instead he continued the conversation he was having, seemingly to engrossed in what the other was saying to even notice that Shu and (y/n) were even there.

Sat on the stool across the counter from Ike was a man with long black hair with red highlights. He was wearing a white suit and carried a dignified aura with him. As he spoke he traced his slender finger around the rim of a cup and the words he said were spoken with a smooth, silvery voice and Ike hung onto every last detail, not loosing focus for even a second.

Ike only acknowledged their presence when the dark haired man spoke up "Ike I do believe it's rude to make your customers wait like this."

After those words were spoken Ike immediately looked towards (y/n) and Shu "oh, sorry to keep you waiting," his voice held an apologetic tone and he gave a small smile "would you two like the usual?"

"Mhm~ sounds good."

They took a seat at a cozy table at the back of the cafe and near the counter, sitting to face each other. Since they were sat so close to the counter they could easily hear Ike's conversation.

"So does that mean you'll be working late for a while then Vox?" Ike asked as he made the drinks.

"Yeah, not for too long though," he took a sip of his drink before placing back on the counter "until this scene's been filmed I might be stopping by to see you pretty often."

"Hmm sound tiring being a movie director, but I look forward to you coming by, after all it gets pretty boring when there's no customers."

"But it seems those two are regulars, since they got the 'usual'."

Ike looked towards the duo who were talking quietly amongst themselves. "They stop by now and again and I knew (y/n) from before I worked here." Ike walked around from behind the counter and placed the two drinks on the table.

"Thanks Ike."

"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, well actually there's something we wanted to ask you." Shu said.

"Sure, what's up?"

"We were planning on going to a concert if you wanted to join us, Luca is coming as well." (Y/n) explained.

Upon hearing those words Ike's eyes lit up "A concert? Who's is it?"

"Yugo Asuma."

"Yugo? It's been a while since I last saw him. Have you seen him recently?" Vox said, he had turned to the side and was now facing the others with his elbow resting on the counter.


Shu and (y/n) exchanged confused glances "have you two gone to one of his concerts before?"

"Uh not exactly, we went to school together."

(Y/n)'s jaw dropped and they stared at them in disbelief.

He loves the mornings but I just want to sleep | shu Yamino x readerWhere stories live. Discover now